Average salary in Tokyo?

i think this kind of question comes up a lot, i want to know more specifically the average salary for a 28 years old in tokyo. for context i just got a salary increase to about 4.8m/year and i’m curious where i am in the tokyo salary scale

  1. 年代 平均年収(男) 平均年収(女)
    20代前半 360万円 335万円
    20代後半 478万円 418万円
    30代前半 588万円 468万円
    30代後半 679万円 501万円
    40代前半 750万円 550万円
    40代後半 809万円 552万円
    50代前半 883万円 577万円
    50代後半 876万円 548万円

    Congrats you are basically exactly average for a late 20s dude in Tokyo.


  2. This is just not how it works. There is an average salary, but it’s not meaningful to you; neither is a random sample from this Reddit sub-population.

    4.8 is good for an alt, bad for foreign IT, perhaps close to average for a local with a degree.

  3. These kinds of posts will just attract people who are willing to boast about their 20M salaries at 23 so all you will get from it is depressed, even if you are above the median. If you actually want any useful insight, you would need to specify more about your industry.

  4. Salary is not everything. A lot of companies give a ton of fringe benefits such as rent support. With those kind of benefits it is good, without it is bad.
    Dont know why ppl keep boasting about IT, but unless you get into Google or something their pay are lower, usually black company working conditions, and almost always too cheap to provide any benefits outside of legally required ones such as rent support

  5. Remember your free time, too. 650 and working till 8 with no vacation, or 4.8 and leaving at 5 with other benefits? Is the work fun? Is the company black? Do you meet your current lifestyle? Are you able to save?

    Salary is just a number.

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