What’s the Nichiren Daishonin cult like?

Without going into what I experienced, I’m curious about what the cult is and how safe the people associated with it are to talk to (or to go see what they’re up to).

I don’t see too many previous threads on the topic, so I’m assuming (lightly) it’s relatively benign in comparison to other cults.

I’m extremely curious, just not curious enough to get stalked for the rest of my life, lol.

  1. Any cult is bad. Many cultists try to befriend you, just to get you to join. Once they have your home address or phone number, they don’t stop working at you to get you to join.

    Best to avoid contact with them.

  2. I guess you mean Soka Gakkai (SGI)? Nichiren Daishonin is the man who started Nichirenshu hundreds of years ago. There are many Nichirenshu sects but Soka Gakkai is probably the most cult-like because they worship their leader Ikeda Daisaku like a god.
    They may be nuts but are completely harmless people; they aren’t terrorists like Aum Shinrikyo

  3. My MIL is in Soka Gakkai. Nicest person you’d ever meet. When my wife was younger her mother asked her to join, but she was not interested, and that was the end of that. Her mom does her thing, and leaves us out of it.

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