Language school for preparing to college/university – is it real on practice?

Hello! I’m new here so don’t sure should I create new post or just ask somewhere in existed one, but I think my couple of questions is a bit complicated for a simple comment. Also I’m not native English speaker so sorry in advance.

So, I’m 25 years old with only high school education. I learned Japanese in my country for a bit and i’m somewhere on N5.
I want to learn Japanese in school for two years and then go to college or university. I’m interested in transportation, engineering, IT at least. So my interest is stay in Japan after school, *not* just have fun and go back home. I’m not genius so I’m not sure – is it really possible? I heard a lot about this way exists – but never seen someone who passed it.

If it’s really possible for “average” human, next question. Which school can you recommend? I’m looking at Akamonkai and ISI (Takadanobaba campus) for now, but found mostly negative reviews on Akamonkai here like they don’t care about you, and teaching focused on Asians only. About ISI I found more good reviews here. But checked on Google and found a couple of terrible ones like “spent 1 year and learned nothing” or “they ask you to leave 5-star rating but actual it is very bad”. May be there are other good options with program for preparing for further education?

Does the university preparatory program has even difference from general course? Schools claim that they can help with preparing to EJU, what kind of help they offer? Just check the university you would like to enter or you will be fully prepared to pass the real exams? If so, it will be cost additional money, right?

Somewhere was said that you can go to college after school without exams. Is it true? I can’t believe things can be so easy. But for example, on ISI website they tell only about universities, no one word about colleges.

What’s about living? I found strange things that some “student houses” cost not so cheaper than private flats with your own kitchen, bathroom etc. Tell me about your experience, which way is better, may be find another variants, not that school offers?

About work. What does school do to help you with baito? Will I have a time for living with studying and working? Or it’s simply not possible to learn Japanese, prepare for exams and work all together?

How much money did you spent living in Japan for 1 year?

Overall my biggest fear is I will have no time for prepare for further study and most of school’s claims are false and I’ll end up without any help.

Anyway, thank you very much for your answers. Your own experience is very welcomed.

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