Weekly Thread: Material Recs and Self-Promo Wednesdays! (September 06, 2023)

Happy Wednesday!

Every Wednesday, share your favorite resources or ones you made yourself! Tell us what your resource an do for us learners!

Weekly Thread changes daily at 9:00 EST:

Mondays – Writing Practice

Tuesdays – Study Buddy and Self-Intros

Wednesdays – Materials and Self-Promotions

Thursdays – Victory day, Share your achievements

Fridays – Memes, videos, free talk

  1. Check out my totally free new immersion site!


    With full Anki integration via AnkiConnect and a pretty good library of both anime and live action content, I’m excited to present to you guys my new website: Kamesan.net! What it does is combine a lot of the tools that you are probably already using into one streamlined workflow, allowing you to simply watch Japanese content, and add any words you don’t know to Anki in literally two clicks.
    After all of the resources made available for free on this subreddit and elsewhere, I wanted to give back a bit by creating this site and making it available for free. I hope that it will be useful to some of you!
    Anki cards are fully user-configurable, allowing you to choose what goes on the front and back of each card to suit each user’s learning style. Cards created with Kamesan include excerpts from the video by default, making this the first tool to make that possible!
    The site is and will remain free for as long as it is viable for me to do so, so if you think it’s cool, then your donations matter the most in these early stages, and I will be eternally grateful to you.
    Also, I made a subreddit to gather feedback / post updates and memes. If you joined it that would be really cool! r/kamesan

  2. If you’re on iOS or have a Mac, you can try my newly revamped app, **Manabi Reader**:


    Tap a word, tap another button to save it to Anki with the original source material sentence and URL. Or use the built in flashcards.

    The biggest differentiators compared with other language study apps are that it tracks every word/kanji you read so that you can see how much of a given webpage/article you’re already familiar with and other features/analytics built on that foundation; it automatically builds a personal corpus of example sentences; and that it does all the Japanese tokenization/dictionary lookups locally on-device and in a flexible web browser-like UI with readability mode, to be respectful of your privacy and to work offline.

    See what percent of each article’s vocabulary you’re familiar with based on your reading history. Scan paragraphs of text with your camera to look up words. Japanese/English dict. Native Japanese web dicts. Look up kanji by drawing. Expanded JLPT levels. RSS. Web browser UI. Save links from other apps. Works offline. Readability mode. Tap words to look them up. Furigana depending on your familiarity with each word.

    Future plans: ePUB, PDF, YouTube transcripts, mpv player, WaniKani integration, more languages, AI functionality

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