The Changing Face of Japanese Beer

Hi all
Not sure if anyone else cares but what with inflation and all several Japanese lagers have been changing their recipes the last couple of years.

I think Asahi (never a favourite but was always decent enough) was the first and more heavily publicised a year or so ago but I’ve recently noticed Kirin do the same. Not sure about Sapporo and co but I’m getting a bit paranoid about most of them tasting differently to before.

The new recipes seem less malty, more sweeter and generally a bit more like a non-alcoholic beer tastes like. Noticeably inferior.

Wondering if anyone else is noticing such a big difference and have you found a brand holding out against the recipe change? I fear the quality of Japanese lager is being irreparably damaged…

There’s much bigger problems in the world I know, I’m just surprised so many people are taking it all lying down. To me this is egregious on a New Coke level.

  1. While I was never a big fan of Asahi Super Dry, and I’m even less of a fan of the new recipe, I quite like the new, and cheaper, [Asahi Draft]( I don’t mind new [Suntory Draft]( either. The new [Asahi Shokusai](, on the other hand, is awful. Not really sure I’ve noticed a change in Premium Malts or Sapporo Black Label.

    And always keep an eye on [Beer Girl’s release calendar]( for new beer you might like.

  2. I doubt the vast majority of people who drink the vast majority of the big-label beers are really in it for the flavor profile, to be honest (of which there isn’t much to speak of at the best of times).

    I was moderately hopeful that recent revisions to the way beers vs equivalents were taxed might lead to an increase in quality, but the opposite seems to have happened, if anything.

  3. Changing formulations is not a new thing, they’ve been doing that for as long as I’ve been here, especially with 発泡酒. The signature beers have remained stable, although they occasionally release seasonal variations of those with different labels.

  4. – Price of wheat going up all over the world.

    – Malt tax will never go down significantly coz rice farmers turn up to elections.

    – Craft beer is trendy, and the ladies like saying _”mmm fruityですね~”_ at the beer garden during nomikai (that are also becoming less frequent).

    Beer companies gotta try something to increase profits.

  5. Asahi always tasted shit.
    Kirin flagship now tastes like shit since early this year.
    Ebisu is the only big shelf beer drinkable now

  6. Sapporo black star is my go-to, well balanced and has decent flavors.
    Asahi is too toned down
    Kirin ichiban is too sweet
    Kirin lager is a close second to black star
    Yebisu is too full-bodied
    Suntory I can’t say but don’t ever remember being impressed by it. Their premium malt brand is a bit too busy for me.

  7. I wouldn’t worry too much.

    A large portion of mainstream younger folk pretty much “don’t get” the appeal of beer these days, so the older, more established brands are chasing market share by catering towards changing tastes.

    The good news is that there are plenty of local craft beers out there picking up the slack, not only preserving but pushing forward Japanese beer brewing culture.

  8. It would be nice is some released a standard 6% pale ale or a standard 7% IPA that way I could drink two and be on my way.

    Haha my home city has a plethora of craft beer shops and I really miss and affordable craft scene. 1000円+ for craft is the worst.

    Anyways yonayona is tasty, but Sapporo in the white can hits the spot for the price

  9. The new Asahi Dry is awful. I used to love the old flavour but can’t stand the new one. What was nice was that I wet to Australia last year and they still had the old flavour there so I got my fill before returning.

    I’ve personally switched to Sapporo Classic, which is really hard to find in Tokyo but luckily NewDays has started to stock it.

  10. I usually go for echigo beer since it’s in most bigger super markets now but of course it’s more expensive. Never was a huge fan of the big brands here. Dear God I miss living in Europe.

  11. Think I’ll stick to my personal favorite: Sapporo Classic. One of the perks of living in Hokkaido.

  12. Buy whatever beer factory is closest to you.
    I do get what you mean. Non-alcoholic beer has this sparkling water mixed with hop type of capacity. Some beers have definitely gained this sparkling water aspect and I am not a fan.

  13. Not sure if I’m in the minority here, but as someone who used to really enjoy Japanese beer (my go-to was Sapporo), over the last couple of years I’ve come to the realisation that all big-brand Japanese beers taste basically the same.

    None of them are particularly good and certainly none are unique. They all share a distinctive *japanese beer* flavour profile. Honestly there’s very little difference between the premium brands and happoshu, even.

    The only time I’d actually want a Japanese beer tasting beer is when I’m at an izakaya. It’s generally disappointing otherwise.

    These days if I’m buying a beer I tend to go with whatever I can find in a bottle, which tends to be Corona or Budweiser at my local supermarket. Neither are particularly great or anything, but at least they don’t taste the same as everything else on the shelf.

    There was a German & Belgian beer festival in my city a few weeks ago – the beer there was genuinely leagues ahead of everything I’ve had in Japan for ages, it’s just a huge shame it cost a (frankly ridiculous) 1500 yen per glass.

  14. There seems to be alot more ‘sweeter’ drinking being introduced, not just within the Japanese alcoholic market. I have heard that much of this is to target the foreigner markets as apparently many of them opt for sweeter options over unsweetened/less sweet options. When I came to Japan a year and a half ago, I had to always double check the labels on things like bottled tea, depending on whether I wanted something sweetened or unsweetened, as unsweetened was more common, however now it has become about 50/50 or even 40/60 in some stores.

  15. Personally I like suntory or kirin.

    For suntory I would recommend the blue one which has “rich malt” written on it, it’s what I like the most after a tiring work day with this heat outside.

    Nicely refreshing.

  16. Speaking of which I also see a lot of big labels aiming for the craft beer market and arguably those beers are even worse.

    Everything on tap marche just tastes like a disappointment.

    My solution is that if it ain’t micro I’d rather not drink and save the money for something actually good. Drink less but drink quality

  17. The tax rules used to be pretty strict about what ingredients are and aren’t allowed, but they’ve been loosened a bit over the past few years, blurring the line between “beer” and “happoshu” so I wouldn’t be surprised if the flavors are changing

  18. I’ve found the Asahi Jockey canned beer to be quite good. Still a good malty taste.
    It’s the one where the whole top of the can comes off

  19. Yebisu Premium Amber is my usual for a local brew. Other local brews seem bland in comparison. I Used to be into the IPAs but not so much anymore. On these steamy summer evenings, a German Weiss beer really hits the spot.

  20. Yeah, I was really surprised when I tried a bog-standard Asahi Super Dry for the first time in ages (since before corona…?!) last week. I usually only drink Heartland of regular Japanese light beers though, which hasn’t changed, or IPA, of which thankfully there seem to be more and more these days.

  21. If you don’t mind paying a tad bit more, there are a lot of Brazilian stores selling good beers.
    Another option is my personal fav: Heineken. I’ve found it in several supermarkets, aion, and other malls.

  22. I drank Asahi Super Dry pretty much every day for 25 years. The new version is weird: It tastes of nothing, but kind of gets you in the back of the throat. My theory is that it’s designed for people who have had their taste buds obliterated by covid19.

    I drink Sapporo Black Label now.

  23. Not that related but there’s a gentleman that reviews mostly Japanese craft beers (1164 reviews so far!) but also tries all the big three beers and whatever beers he gets his hands on.

    Google “Japanese Craft Beer Reviews” or search on YT for his channel. He deserves more subscribers!

    +1 to Sapporo Classic. Sapporo’s [Nippon Hop]( are good too if you can find them.

  24. I just know I’m going to drink an Aki-aji or two before fall comes and they stop selling it…

  25. Hard liquor taxes are still low. I’ll continue to enjoy whisky in the cooler months and G&T in the warmer ones.

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