FYI you can recharge mobile Suica with foreign cards again

Couldn’t find a recent post on this, but after a year or so of payments being blocked it seems to be partially working again.
I was able to recharge via the IOS app using apple pay as my payment method. Selecting the card payment option still doesn’t work, nor does charging via the wallet app. Unsure about android/google pay.

  1. The issue wasn’t with foreign cards in general, it was specifically foreign Visa cards. I just tried and those still aren’t working.

  2. You gave me hope only to be let down as my Visa card still doesn’t work with recharging my Suica from Apple Pay

  3. Just to add to the mystery – I use a Master Card from a bank in the US and it works. Actually never stopped working for past several years. Charging sometimes 2-3 times a week without issue.

  4. I have been able to charge my Suica card with a Revolut Visa card (finally, was really annoying using a Mastercard always)

  5. Looks like issue with some of the visa card.
    Been using amex , mastercard and jcb to topup my pasmo straight from wallet in ios.

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