Can graduate students play in college teams?

I’ve recently moved to Kyoto to do the Global MBA program in Doshisha University.

As the title says, I would like to know if I can apply for the soccer club in the university being a graduate student, or if only undergrad students can join sports clubs and play in competitions.

I appreciate your answers and insights about the topic.

  1. My friend was on the soccer club at a university here during his masters (and now phd), so I assume you can. But it might depend on the club whether or not you can actually play. My friend was only on the C team and never played in official matches.

  2. A Masters student of mine was the captain of the baseball club at my school. And, I know many graduate students in other clubs/circles at my school.

    You should just go and ask, I’m sure the rules differ from club to club.

  3. Most large universities have one official team and several unofficial teams

    * Official team

    A team that represents the university and is registered in the official university league. In the case of leading universities, you must take and pass a test in order to join the team. (Doshisha University’s soccer club is also of this type)

    According to the player introductions listed on their official website, the players are undergraduates only. So I don’t think graduate students can participate (at least not as players).


    * Unofficial teams

    Most of the time, there is more than one in a university. Most are hobby-level teams. Some may be registered in official local leagues. Team levels and requirements for joining vary. Some teams practice several times a week, while others practice only once a month or so. I believe there are teams that are open to graduate students as well.

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