Interesting find for contracted workers

Found an interesting site turns out if you have been a contractor and had your yearly contract renewed 5 times you can request a contract with no expiration and the company is pretty much legally obliged to accept your request! Good news for me and I hope it helps anyone else

  1. Welcome to 2014. There’s a reason most companies are now limiting contract renewals to 4 years then making the employee take a 6 months break before rehiring them.

  2. Yep. Which is why contracted positions are now requiring 6 month “breaks”.
    Then after the break your contract cycle starts “at the beginning” from year 1. That is if you even get hired again.

    Companies found this loophole pretty quickly

  3. There are actually two important ways this can work. If you make the 5 time renewal as state your contracting company must offer you a full contract upon request.

    But also, if you work for the same client through your contracting company for 3 years straight, the client can offer you a direct/full contract based on the temporary one, and your contracting company cannot block or retaliate in response.

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