unsafe mold problem in sharehouse [somewhat urgent]

hello, this is my first year in tokyo and really my first time battling humidity anywhere.

I’m currently living in a sharehouse that’s honestly way too expensive… its 79000円 a month.
I came to discover a few weeks ago that my AC has mold through the smell but also believe the outside of my window has collected some as well. I contacted the manager and he said they’d help me find someone but it’s MY cost.

Well anyways they came over, cleaned it, and the smell was gone and felt fine health wise until the last week or so. I noticed the AC unit again within days had started to smell again, but I’ve also noticed signs of my health starting to get strange and only specifically when I’m in my room.

I get mucus in my throat, breathing feels heavy and hard, light headaches, and my stomach hurts a bit. Last night I woke up in a panic with my breathing and decided its time to get out of there. If I sleep there again or even spend time in my room who knows what will happen.

I don’t have the money upfront usually required to move or the place to do it right now, and I’d honestly like to marry my girlfriend before 1 – 2 years of an apartment contract.

I’ve contacted the manager again and let him know my health concerns but they seemed to be pretty unsympathetic before. I doubt this will change anything.

Any advice on what I should do?

  1. When you turn off the AC it will still run, this leads many people to press the off button again forcing it to shut down immediately. This is bad for the AC as it enters a cleaning mode to kill off mold the first time you press the “stop” button. My units will sometimes run for hours afterwards to clean themselves.
    Is this the case for your place? Also, if you do move, remember, press the stop button once, and then let the AC cycle down by itself.

  2. Money can’t buy health bro, I’d move out ASAP. Lots of places with no upfront money to move in. Even a cheap leopalace or something. The walls will be paper thin and your kitchen will be a joke but at least it will be clean and you won’t die in your sleep.

  3. Find a better sharehouse. You’re probably not obliged to stay for x period. The aircon is probably leaking thus the mold but as far as I know, the tenant will shoulder the costs unless you can prove that the damaged wasn’t caused by you which is difficult at this point.

    Your rent is high for a crappy sharehouse. You can rent a partially or fully furnished mansion with that price. Best advice is start looking for a new place.

  4. It’s relatively inexpensive to get a service to come and deep clean your a/c unit in Japan.
    It must be done about twice per year.
    There’s even one or two a/c cleaning companies that are run by expats, I’ve heard.

    If I were wealthy I’d have it done monthly as I’m allergic to the type of mold that grows in there.

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