Is late November too late to see the fall colors in Aomori?

I want to visit Aomori and see the fall colors, and according to Google the best time for that is late October to mid-November. I am only able to go from November 22-24. Will it be too late to see the fall colors then? I especially want to visit Jogakura Bridge. Can anyone who has gone there in late November attest to what the scenery is like then?

  1. I am not sure about the exact period, but my japanese coworkers were saying that this year koyo were probably super late because of the very hot temperature we will get for the next months,

  2. The fall colors report just came out. You’ll likely be a bit behind on the peak of Red Maple (2 weeks after, but still good), but right in the zone for Yellow Ginko (one week shy of peak, likely), at least according to the map I saw.

  3. I’ve seen fall colors in mid November in Yamagata, so Aomori should have it even later.

  4. Last year I saw the fall leaves in November and they weren’t near done yet, so there’s a chance.

  5. You can keep up to date with fall colors with

    Late november is a bit late for fall colors though, its already starting to cool off in the night up north.

    But since this year has been so long they might
    arrive later. One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of trees are losing leaves just from lack of water so.. honestly I have no idea

  6. Might be. I’m going on Nov 12. Your date is almost 2 weeks later. Although I doubt your going to see some barren wasteland just by waiting two extra weeks.

  7. I’ve lived in Yamagata for a few years now and if you are going in late November to Aomori, I would say there is a high chance you won’t be seeing the bright reds, yellows, and oranges, but more dull, burnt colors on the trees.

  8. Live in Sendai right now where the forecast is that it might be later than usual but still will peak around mid-November. So late November might be a wee bit too late. I’ve never been to Jogakura Bridge, but google forecast says as early as late-October since it’s in a mountain area (changes color faster).

    Maybe you can recheck the forecast around late September and see how it goes from there.

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