Weekly Praise Thread – 05 August 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. To the guy talking about using a parasol/umbrella the other day. Was totally going to make a snarky comment but decided to run an experiment and tried it out.

    THANK YOU for that post it really does make a huge difference when you walk under the shade. I walk on my lunch break for a few minutes and using an umbrella I actually had a pleasant walk.

    You Sir have made another convert to the parasol gang!

  2. After 18 months+ of entering every PS5 lottery I could find (and starting to think it was a conspiracy against romaji names) I finally won a GEO lottery a few days before my birthday. Stoked.

  3. Interview process seems to be going well. Just had a 条件面談 last night with the bucho at one place, and he seems pretty motivated to convince the executives to OK an offer, including a 100man raise over my current job. Have two other second interviews next week.

    New washing machine arrived this week after a long wait (took about 6 weeks). Bigger, nicer, and no death noises like the old one.

  4. First big presentation at my job yesterday. I thought I bombed it because my boss was apprehensive for a good chunk of it.

    Turns out the only idea he didnt like was the design choice that the super experienced older guy suggested i do instead of my original idea lol

  5. The rain is done, and we didn’t get flooded in any way (tho folks not far away in Komatsu, Kaga, and on into Fukui got hit pretty hard).

  6. After the release day, the Black Thunder choco mint ice bar was sold out from the 7-11s I usually go to. But this week I found an 穴場 7 that has it in stock every day.

  7. Starting tomorrow my company is going on our “Obon” Summer Break, 10 days off! So hyped to finally get some proper sleep and laze around for awhile.

    Also this isn’t the questions thread; but does anyone have any recommendations (aside from the typical spots) for interesting places to see/go in Osaka + Kyoto?

  8. Went to the Evangelion merchandise expo. It was crazy fun to see IRL some of the things that I’ve only seen in meme pictures over a decade ago. Made me realize how much I like the series.

  9. Your boi is going on a trip for 2 weeks! Gonna be work from home and going to take some pto extend Obon but it’s gonna be fun!

  10. Woke up to breakfast prepped by the husband on this rainy day. Great start to the day!

  11. Summer Sonic in two weeks. The 1975 is headlining and their new song is a bop. I couldn’t be more excited.

  12. Susukino Matsuri is happening this year, and last night they had an oiran performance. The energy was so fun, and I’m excited to go again tonight with some friends!

  13. Managed to make it back without any hassles after 2 weeks at home for a much needed vacation. Thought work would be hectic this week but people being away for their vacations means it’s been anything but. Not looking forward to when all this non-working catches up with me but going to enjoy the fuck out of it till then.

  14. It’s very funny- often when the complain thread rolls around I feel happy and have to work to remember the complains I’ve had throughout the week. Then on Fridays I feel depressed and remember them all. Today’s one of those Fridays, lol. But I’ll try:

    Term!!!! Is!!!! Over!!!!? Fuck. I can’t believe I survived it and handed in all my end term reports in time! Fuck. Probably failed this bio exam but I think there’ll be a retest. I should be fine.

    The university canteen serves rice grown and bred by our university and it’s delicious.

    My best friend got an exchange program to go to the US and I can’t be happier for her!!!! Seriously!!!

  15. Haven’t seen the little old lady at the municipal gym for a couple of months. Was a little concerned, but she’s here today and looks fine!

  16. Started eating healthy, cooking most of my meals, cut out all soda, and have been getting 7-8 hours each night up from 4-5. I have unaged five years in a couple weeks.

  17. The nurse at my yearly health check that gave me a thumbs up for losing a kilo. Pretty funny. Not needed tho. Atm moment I’m 185 and weighing 77 kg. But last year they said I was becoming “fat” so. Japan man, lol.

    The weather is acceptable.

    One more day until 9 days off. Can’t wait. I’m fried.

    The bike shop on my street that gave me a discount when fixing my flat-tire.

    Finally got the courage to cut off my ex from any line of communication. Long overdue but you know, love and all that.

  18. I’ve finally gotten settled on the mainland. I’ve wanted a sofa for 3 years now, but didn’t want to deal with getting one shipped to the island and then have to pack it up and move it again. But god damn, it feels so good to just crash on my sofa in the evenings.

    Also, I’m within walking distance of multiple grocery stores!! Gone are the days I need to order my groceries online and wait a week for them to come, all while praying the weather doesn’t screw up the ferry schedule.

  19. Went with my partner’s family to a nice retreat. Had some delicious food. Very generous of her dad to shout. The road trip was a bit tiring but was good being there in the end

  20. Probably bombed an interview for a dream job, but my long hold in the stockmarket paid off, up 100k JPY.

  21. Idk what it is about my apartment but it actually keeps pretty cool in the summer. I think it’s because it only ever gets sun early in the morning haha. The galley kitchen gets pretty hot though. Probably the refrigerator. I wish there was a way to pipe that stuff out (or I guess I can always keep the hood fan on…)

    It sucks balls in the winter though. Sometimes I would go outside and it’s WARMER than my room.

  22. Spent the entire week fixing up and cleaning the in-laws guest house near Osaka. It went from absolutely mess (five years unlived in, basically just used as a storage) to somewhere we now actually feel comfortable staying in whenever we pay them a visit/want to visit Osaka.

    But it’s nice to be home too, the weather is perfect for spending some time relaxing on our balcony.

  23. 2020年5月の愛 is my first “corona media” so to speak (story takes place during the pandemic). And actually, it kind of works well to have characters talking on the phone, zoom, etc.

  24. The weather has been really really nice this week imo! Especially today. Nice, cool and gloomy without the rain or the humidity. Perfect day to go without AC.

    Pumpkins are in season and cheap! Just got a big chunk for 80 yen. I really love pumpkins.

    8hr shifts tomorrow and Sunday, it’s going to be completely hellish but the money’s good and it’s great to know the boss is not stingy with shifts. He doesn’t seem to be nutty like the guy in my last job, either. Might actually get to eat a lil steak too, fingers crossed.

  25. Praise to my friends for putting up with me while I slowly disassociate and withdrawal. Genuinely amazed I haven’t burned them out…


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