I’m under no illusions that the Great Tomohiro Ishii will ever win the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship (unfortunately), but since he’s the perennial MVP of the G1 Climax, wouldn’t it be cool to see him in the Finals?

I’m under no illusions that the Great Tomohiro Ishii will ever win the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship (unfortunately), but since he’s the perennial MVP of the G1 Climax, wouldn’t it be cool to see him in the Finals?

  1. Real talks he needs to be in the finals even if it’s only once (obviously I’d want him to have more than tht) cuz I know he’d go all out and make the most of it

  2. I feel like they might do Okada vs Ishii with Ishii getting an upset for the semifinal. Although that is obviously a pipedream.

  3. It’d be great, but the G1 always seems to be the home of status quo booking.

  4. I would love to see this. Tbh, I don’t totally get the appeal of G1 now since it is always the most predictable winners. Why go to the trouble of these marathon shows when most people know who will probably be winning in the end? If it was a bit more of a wildcard scenario someone like Ishii could come so close or even get a chance at the title (he still doesn’t need to win the title match!) , I would be super invested

  5. Sadly I think O-Khan will eliminate him tomorrow. Maybe next year, if the rumors of this G1 being Ishii’s last aren’t true.

  6. I think he should win the US title at the least. He’s technically a former world champion sense he held the top belt in Revpro. IDK Ishii is a beast who I think is one of New Japan’s best reliable upper midcarders

  7. Honestly I want to see him win the iwgp us title more than the iwgp world title because he was bested by omega in the finals and hasn’t really challenged for it in years

  8. What’s the point of having a finals where you know one guy can’t win?

    I wish western fans would get out of the ‘he deserves it’ mentality. That isn’t how NJPW or indeed 90% of Japanese promotions book. It also doesn’t work because Ishii isn’t the only person who ‘deserves’ a G1 win, finals or IWGP title reign using that logic, and all of a sudden you’re just booking WWE in Japan.

  9. If it’s any consolation, he was the first wrestler I won the world title with in Strong Spirits!

  10. He’s facing SANADA in the quarter finals so… he’s has like 35% chance to win….

  11. Allegedly, Ishii was on the chopping block for this G1 to begin with and barely made it in, so I doubt it.

  12. It’s been a while since we had one of these posts.

    Ishii isn’t a big enough star. That’s why he’s never getting the big accolades.

    His ceiling is filler title defense and NEVER champion.

  13. Ishii isn’t a draw. NJPW needs people who can move tickets to be in their big shows because that’s where they make most of their money. Ishii isn’t that guy, no matter how much western fans love him.

  14. It would but I doubt he’ll even get to a semi. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being the main guy in the NEVER title picture. This is probably his last G1 also if NJ feels next year other people are ready.

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