Ok this might be very specific.
I was looking at the lyrics of “Binks’ sake” from One Piece and I stumbled upon this:
「ドンと一丁唄お 船出の唄」
What’s this ドン? The One Piece wiki doesn’t translate this, as it was a (fairly common) onomatopoeia, but this 丁 counter makes me doubt. Isn’t it a counter for knives, scissors or something like that?
1 comment
ドン is onomatopoeia, like “thud”
と the quotative particle, considering the previous word is a sound
一丁=いっちょう one book, leaf, task, something
唄=うた song
お船出=お+ふなで setting sail (お is just being polite)
i don’t know one piece but i’d read this with no context as
>a song with a big thud/pow/bang, a song to set sail
where 一丁 is playing the part of “a big” or something else that is pointing out the “distinct, single” thud sound