Japanese Travel Insurance that can cover PCR tests in the US

So apparently we need negative PCR tests before we can return to Japan from the US in our upcoming trip. They seem to cost about $150 to $250 each in the US, and for a big family, it adds up. Japan’s national health insurance does not cover it, so I was wondering if there are travel insurance that covers this, or if you know of any other travel hacks to decrease the cost.

  1. I’ve looked for travel insurance recently, and all of them said it would cover a PCR test only if it was deemed “medically necessary” (not for travel purposes).

  2. An issue that my husband over there ran into this week is that places that are reasonable with cost cannot really guarantee a result any sooner than five days (at least right now). He ended up scheduling a one with an hour turn around for like $120. He’s in a rural spot, not a lot of options, YMMV. I got medical insurance for him for the trip (~$60/two weeks) but the places that took it are the ones that have the long turn around.

  3. Traveling is an optional thing (for most), so yeah, you’re not getting the PCR test covered unless there was some magical insurance. None of the ones I’ve looked at cover PCR tests for entry.

  4. Insurance is a risk management. I don’t think they cover an event which will happen 100%.

  5. you might be able to find free PCR test depending on the state

    try email Japanese consulate or Japanese chamber of commerce in your state

  6. I just came back from the US. I used travel health insurance from IMG (also called Patriot?) they are owned by United Healthcare, so Walgreens let me use my $20 dollar health insurance to pay for a $120 PCR test.

  7. Many many places offer free PCR testing check around to see if the city you’ll visit offers it

  8. When we needed tests in the US before flying over, we got them for free at CVS…

    Edit: May have been Walgreens

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