Child Allowance law in Japan

for context, my friend of mine is living here in Japan along with his husband and 4 kids. But recently, they got seperated (did not end well) and her husband left their house and changed his address. She doesn’t know where he is. The thing is, in regards to the child allowance, the father is the one who receives the allowance through bank coming from their municipality. When she went to the municipal hall and asked about how she can get the allowance instead of him since she has their children, they said that they cannot do anything about it. And that the father should be the one who will change it. My friend really needs the allowance for their children as she only have a small income monthly(100,000 yen monthly) . Any advice or step that we can do?

  1. need to file for a divorce. My friend also split with her husband and she couldn’t get the allowance for a whole year because the husband’s mother didn’t allow the divorce to go through (i think she filed some kind of rejection form). She took him to court and got divorced then she was able to get the allowance. Kinda sad during that time the husband was dating someone else and buying a set of golf clubs showing off on facebook etc.

  2. Is she a Foreigner?

    Because many Towns provide extra Counselling for this Situation in the native Languages of the Person in need.

    Many of them focus on foreign Mother’s.

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