Anywhere that sells milk in bulk?

I have never seen milk sold in anything larger then 1liter cartons, anyone know why that is? Also are there any places that sell larger in like 2liter cartons or even gallon jugs?

  1. That’s the size that fits in fridge doors. You can get larger containers from direct to manufacturer wholesalers, but you will probably need to buy by the 100s of liters.

  2. Coz it’s Asia and people don’t drink glasses of milk, make cheese or eat cereal for breakfast every day.

  3. Even Costco doesn’t sell any bigger than 1 liter. I actually like smaller packages than a gallon.

  4. Buy a 2L jug and decant two cartons into them. Or realize you’re in a different country where different rules and customs apply. The choice is yours, really.

  5. [](



    First link is two 5L bags, second and third links are 3L bags, so close to the good ol’ American gallon. But as suggested, probably much more cost-effective for the average consumer to buy 3-4 packs at the supermarket at a time and throw them into a large container if you must.

    This container is probably the perfect size (slightly larger than a gallon at 4.2L instead of 3.7L):


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