New apartment, my gas tap doesn’t have opening/closing valves images of the tap, hose, gas stove

New apartment, gas guy didn’t connect stove cause didn’t had a stove yet until now. But I noticed our tap doesn’t have valves to close or open the gas?
Every other apartment/mansion I’ve been in has always had valves. What am I supposed to do with this?

I think I’m supposed to get a connector/converter for the hose/plug but i’m not 100% sure but that’s not relevant to the valves. Am I supposed to buy my own valves or something?

  1. Personally, I would never mess with gas. Get a professional to do the installation properly.

  2. Have you tried looking further down the line? It may be in a cupboard underneath? Anyway, like others said, do not mess with gas.

  3. That is a quick release fitting. It is called a “コンセントガス栓”. It has a valve in it that opens only when a compatible connector is fitted. It is most commonly seen installed in a wall socket for gas fan heaters.

    You will need to replace the hose on your stove with one that has a quick release.


  4. Take photos of your outlet (as you have) and the connector at the back of the stove, and go to a retail outlet associated with your gas supplier. (Where I am, it’s Tokyo Gas, and the retail outlets are called Enesta[r?], if a remember correctly.) Show the worker(s) the photos.

    They can tell you what to use and will have the tubes. They’re not difficult to install: just push until you hear and feel a distinctive snapping-into-place.

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