Tip for JLPT learners: Put all grammar points onto a board and check off what you understand

I’m currently using Notion (paid) but you can probably use Trello or some other kanban board tool to do this. I like Notion because you can create custom checkboxes/data fields for each point. In Trello, you can probably tag each item as “Learned” too. It *really* helps to have a giant overview of all grammar points you need to learn before taking a test.

Here’s a screenshot: https://imgur.com/GOs2LAp

Makes it easy to track what you need to go back to and review. And you can insert grammar points/attachments into each item if you need a quick refresher. No need to waste time searching in a book to find things.

I would share this notebook, but it has a bunch of copyrighted attachments from a course I’m taking. I’ll perhaps update this notebook with my own writing some day to make it share friendly.

  1. I’ll do it! Thanks for that advice, it sure will be really useful! 🙂

  2. I used JLPT sensei, ideally with an excel spreadsheet to check off the points you already know.

  3. Beginner question but where can I find all the grammar points that will be on a test?

  4. I tick off the points in my Dictionary of (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced) Grammar indices as I learn them. I study with a tutor so I’m not concerned about missing one, but just to track progress and since so many seem… Recursive? Like I learn a mess of grammar points and pass a level, and then at the next level, the next text repeats some but for most it builds new applications on old forms, and then there’s a handful that just seem very new. Ticking them off in my dictionaries helps me figure out a little better what’s related and how and whether I’m confusing a newer thing or messed up a fundamental.

    But man it is nice to see all those little tick marks in the indices!

  5. My problem is not the grammar but the kanji and vocabs. For a very long time I suck at memorizing and immersing words. For some reason, grammar is my strongest point in any language.

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