Feeling super anxious after getting excited to study in Japan

So I got my COE and visa stamped for Japan for a Japanese language course. Its a year and 3 months. Goal is to learn upto N1 and go into higher studies or scholarships. I currently have N3 which I studied on my own in my country and passed the exam.

When I first got the COE I was so excited for like 3 or 4 days thinking I can finally go. Its been a dream and its my first time ever going long term abroad for studies. A new experience. I researched the city im studying in and all. My ticket is at the end of this month so still a bit of time left

But since yesterday for some reason I’m feeling very anxious. I been thinking negative things. Like what if its a complete waste?
What if I somehow struggle there?
What if I don’t make much friends?

I even know that I have enough budget considering immigration accepted me but still its worrying me
So all these thoughts have been in my mind and nothing else. Kinda sucks that days of excitement turned into moodiness and anxiousness like this.
Did anyone of you experience the same? If so how was it for you after u went to Japan?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Feeling super anxious after getting excited to study in Japan**

    So I got my COE and visa stamped for Japan for a Japanese language course. Its a year and 3 months. Goal is to learn upto N1 and go into higher studies or scholarships. I currently have N3 which I studied on my own in my country and passed the exam.

    When I first got the COE I was so excited for like 3 or 4 days thinking I can finally go. Its been a dream and its my first time ever going long term abroad for studies. A new experience

    But since yesterday for some reason I’m feeling very anxious. I been thinking negative things. Like what if its a complete waste?
    What if I somehow struggle there?
    What if I don’t make much friends?

    So all these thoughts have been in my mind and nothing else. Kinda sucks that days of excitement turned into moodiness and anxiousness like this.

    Did anyone of you experience the same? If so how was it for you after u went to Japan?

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  2. When I went to Japan to study for a year, i had never been away from home before, I was like you and had all the same thoughts like:

    – what if I hate it there?
    – what if I don’t make friends?
    – what if I get homesick?
    – what if I learn nothing?

    All of these thoughts went away within the first week.

    I loved being there, I made so many friends within my course as well as with some Japanese friends I still keep in touch with almost seven years later, I got a little bit homesick but that’s because my then boyfriend was back home, and I learned so much about japan, not only language but the lifestyle there. I am happy back here in my home country but always look back fondly on my time there.

    You’re in for one of the best, most fun experiences of your life. Fully immerse yourself into being there and you will have no regrets 🙂

    Also I would like to add that I also cried on the plane there lol so please don’t feel ashamed if you do too.

  3. It’s normal to feel anxious. It’s a pretty big move, so it’d be weird if you weren’t feeling this way.

    If you’re like me, you’ll probably still feel anxious once you get here, but even despite the anxiety you’ll find those awesome moments of “holy shit, I’m in Japan!” Then as time passes the anxiety fades and you can just enjoy it.

    For what it’s worth, I think you’re thinking about it in the right way, actually, and you’re not just blindly over-hyping yourself about it.

    Good luck with the move and language school!

  4. Go for it. Just remember that basically people are people wherever you go, with all that that entails!

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