Commuter pass: Bus or Train?

Hello everyone. I just moved into my new apartment and is trying to figure which pass is the best option.

There are 2 ways to travel to my uni:

• Train:
– Nearest to 2 different stations (JR and Metro)
– Each of them requires 1km walk
– The metro line, which I am considering buying the pass for, go through Ikebukuro.

• Bus:
– 300m walk
– Less trips
– Go to Ikebukuro as well

Consider I’m a student so both passes cost relatively the same. The only difference is the distance. For now I don’t mind walking for 1km since there are shops and department stores on my way. Not sure about the long run though.

P/s: Is PASMO still giving out its card with the commuter pass printed on it? I can’t charge these cards on Apple so I still have to rely on physical cards


  1. Can’t recommend bus vs train other than latter being much more reliable/on schedule.

    > Is PASMO still giving out its card with the commuter pass printed on it?

    Yes, you can still get a pasmo as long as you buy it with commuter pass included.

  2. Personally I’d do train every time, unless it was over like 20-25 minutes walk. 1km is nothing, and the train is much, much more reliable than the bus.

  3. I think bus passes let you ride any bus by that company as long as it’s in the same fare rate as your commute, which may be valuable to you if you wan to explore more.

  4. Check the schedule for each to see if which provide more trips then choose from there. Personally I always choose train as they are reliable. Also check if which mode of transport you will frequently use outside of work/school that pass through your commuter pass and base you decision on that.

  5. I would always take train over bus. Back in my home country as well as here in Nagoya, buses are late every day almost every single ride. I’d assume it’s no different in Tokyo, so I’d take the train.

  6. Busses are often delayed due to traffic, especially in Tokyo, and service stops kind of early on some lines (sometimes as early as 20:00). If you want to get anywhere on time, its best to not rely on the bus in my experience.

  7. If you get a card on your phone you can still charge it with cash at 7-11 ATMs or special chargers at stations that have a cradle

  8. 1km is kind of nothing. Personally will pick train.
    Usually train schedule is more flexible too. No need to rush when you are just like 5 minutes late. Since next train should come soon enough.

    I don’t like the fact that I have to rush out from apartment so I can catch the bus in time.
    Though nowadays I just cycle since it’s more fun.

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