Cockroach Infestation

Does anyone have any special techniques for dealing with them?
I’ve spotted a few in the past week and suspect it’s the tip of the iceberg… 😓

  1. Well, you know what they say about roaches: For every roach you see, there’s at least ten you don’t.
    General good practices are;
    Keep things clean – don’t leave out any food, make sure your trash can is as spotless as possible, clean your sinks.
    Use sukima tape – Usually it is easiest to find this in the winter, but see if you can get the foam tape that is used to close gaps in your windows and doors. Make it as difficult as you can for the little fuckers to get in.
    Make your home a minefield – put out sticky paper traps, poison, anything that will make life difficult for the ones that are already inside your home. Focus your traps on corners, close to the walls, under furniture, anywhere a bug might try to go to find shelter.
    Go to a home center and see what repellants you can get – There are things that naturally repel roaches, such as certain essential oils and smells. See what you can get, and then fortify your home with that as well.

    Not exactly “special” techniques, but it should help a bit I think.

  2. I found a single roach and declared war as of this weekend. First roach I’ve ever seen in or around my place. You can get this stuff called Gokijet that kills roaches on sight or that can be sprayed around your house to kill them when they walk on it. I sprayed this around all the baseboards and cracks in my house.

    Second, you can get poison that they eat and prevents them from procreating and kills them. These look like little black squares or circles that you can put under furniture, in cabinets, etc. They make kinds for inside and outside. I bought both.

    Third, you can get the sticky traps as well that attract them with bait and the roaches get stuck and die. This can also be placed under things.

    You can also sprinkle boric acid everywhere. This is not harmful to humans but will kill roaches by drying them out I think.

    You can get all of this at the same section in the home center. Don’t be afraid to look like an insane person carrying 5 kinds of roach killer. I’m from the southern US so I take these nasty creatures seriously.

    Also, I recommend dehumidifying your place and not leaving any water around! You can get those dehumidifying buckets at a home center as well.

    Good luck, soldier. Don’t let the roaches win.

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