Itinerary check please for 15 day trip

Itinerary check 15 days

**Day 1**: arrive early afternoon and do dinner with friends that live in Asakusa

**Day 2**: wake up and be in Senso-Ji while nobody is there (favorite place in the world). Travel to Oarai with my friends and go to the aquarium. Sleep in Oarai.

**Day 3**: Oarai day doing whatever and come back to Tokyo. Michelin sushi? Still need to figure out where and reserve. Stay in Ginza

**Day 4**: Alpine start the Tsujiki fish market and fill the belly. Line up for Michelin Ramen. Get to Kawaguchiko and walk around before early bed.

**Day 5**: Climb Fuji and have dinner on the lake after. Sleep at same place in Kawaguchiko.

**Day 6**: Train to Nakastugawa and walk around. Long train ride. Rest feet and stay in ryokan.

**Day 7**: Train back up to Nagiso or beyond and walk the Nakasendo way back toward Magome and stay in Nakastugawa again.

**Day 8**: Train to Osaka and walk around. Sleep in a capsule near Dotonbori. This will be brutal but it will be a good juxtaposition for the next day.

**Day 9**: Train to Koyasan and walk around. Eat at the temple and early sleep in the temple.

**Day 10**: Wake up and participate in goma and prayer. Walk around before getting on train toward Hiroshima. If I get there in time I will do peace park at sunset. Sleep in nice hotel on the water near the ferries.

**Day 11**: Wake up and catch first ferry to Itsukushima and go to another island for a hike or whatever I find myself doing. Go say hi to the deer too. Stay in same nice hotel.

**Day 12**: Train back up toward Kyoto or go straight back to Tokyo. Not sure about this day yet really.

**Day 13**: If not already, get to Tokyo and stay at friends house. Ride bikes to weird spots.

**Day 14**: Hang with my friend and go get tabori tattoo. (been waiting for years to get Yatagarasu on my left shoulder) Whatever else I can fit into this day. Maybe more good food. Stay near Senso-Ji

**Day 15**: Wake up early for Senso-Ji and spend the morning there. Lunch then to Narita.


Open to all suggestions and ideas. This will be my 3rd time in Japan and 2nd time going solo.

  1. I’m a traveller that will be in Japan in October and I’m curious… why do you love Senso-ji so much? 🙂 your itinerary looks fire!

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