Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 09 September 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Got a friend from back home visiting who recently got divorced. Asked me if I knew any nice bars in Osaka (so not the HUB I guess) that are good to meet girls.

    Since I haven’t been single in many years, I know fuck all. Any recommendations?

  2. Moving to Tokyo. Any advice when picking utilities for gas electricity and Internet? I’m aware of the price simulations on kakaku (does make me wonder why the companies aren’t more competitive with each other since they can also see the prices). Is there anything you wish you thought of more before signing up for any of these, or regrets?

  3. Is there any flower , bouquet shop at narita terminal 2? Came empty hand to welcome my inlaws😅

  4. Do wall-mounted gas heaters not exist? I looked at all the brands, CityGas, Corona, etc.

    I have a small man cave I’d like to heat without electricity this year using the wall gas hookup, and not a lot of floor or desk space. It looks like I would have to build a shelf and secure the thing and look for a remote control one, though I’d rather not.

    Any tips appreciated!

  5. I’m using the Yahoo Japan weather app. Lately, I have the feeling that the 1 hour rain forecast radar (without locking in) is not working or rather it’s not real time anymore.
    It’s sunny outside and the radar is showing me huge rain clouds and telling me it is going to stop raining in 15 minutes. Or the other way around. I get the feeling until a few weeks ago it worked pretty well. I am in the Kanto area. Does anyone get the same impression? Do you have any recommendations for more accurate weather apps?

  6. For foreigners who divorced a Japanese national in Japan, I wonder what is the average and trimmed mean of :

    – the duration of the relationship before marriage and after marriage

    – the age of both parties when divorce occured


    I have some ideas but I’d love to see some datas. Sadly this sub doesn’t allow poll.

  7. Just got my Nisa application documents and under what documents to provide it’s saying “if your residence card has your My Number card number then you don’t need to submit a copy of the My Number card.

    I’ve never heard of a residence card being able to do this? Something new?

    I that case, why not just make the my number card your residence card too, it’s tied to the residence card and your visa anyways right? One less card to carry around and to renew.

  8. Want to apply for the Amazon Mastercard, but in the application form it seems there is a character limit for entering first name and last name.

    If my name is “AB CD EF GH.” Where my first name is “AB CD EF” and last name is “GH.” But, due to character limitation if I write “EFGH” as my last name and “ABCD” as first name for the application, should that be okay? Like is it going to cause any issues later on?

  9. Anyone ever plan for their death or write a will? Been curious about it since I’ve been wondering what happens if I meet an untimely demise as a single person.

    I wonder what would happen to all my accounts (phone, bank, etc), who would need to be contacted, what happens to my body etc.

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