Cautionary tale about old drunk men.

I just had a crazy incident that forced us to call the cops for the first time ever.

My wife and I own a small cafe in a small town. I mostly stay in the kitchen doing prep work while my wife interacts with customers. Today, the door opens and I hear my wife welcoming a guest. I keep hearing loud voices so I think it’s 2 people having a convo before they order. I pay no attention to it. 3 minutes pass, and I get a message from my wife that says, “help”. I step out front to see a super drunk old guy. I don’t do or say anything, just support my wife when she politely asks the man to please order or please be on his way. There are no other customers in the store so we just keep asking him to leave. Then a customer comes in and she waits in line since this guy is blocking the register. Again, for 2 minutes we ask the guy to please leave and even warn him we might have to call the police. He just keeps talking loudly, we cant even understand what he is saying. I finally step infront of the counter and do the super polite bow and with a big smile like how you would deal with a drunk and say, “hi! Lets go outside together” “its a nice day outside lets go”. I turn around so he can follow me and the moment i do, he started punching my back. I ignore him. He punches me 2 more times then pushes me as I open the door. The moment we are outside i turn to face him and he throws his hands up as if to grab my neck. So i grabbed his wrists and i just say please stop. He kept getting more aggressive so I pushed him. Because he was drunk he fell back. Luckily, he wasn’t hurt. His glasses and other belongings fell so i picked them up and gave them to him. He just sat there and as i walked back inside to lock him out i said “stay” haha not sure why. Anyway he got up, took a picture of me with his film camera, and stumbled away. You really never know when stuff like this will happen. Its a beautiful sunny day and then BAM a drunk guy with cow print pants starts assaulting you. Cops took our info, told us to be careful and left.

  1. I’m very sorry that happened to you.

    I think you did the right thing by not being overly aggressive until you felt your physical safety was threatened.

    Also, congratulations on opening up your own shop!

  2. Man, that sounds awful. You did the right thing in a situation that could easily have ended up much worse. I hope that guy never shows up again.

  3. Did you grow up in a small town back in your hometown as well?

    I guess people who grew up in bigger cities and more chaotic environments wouldn’t be phased by this.

    The small towns in Japan and rural areas have tons of drunks because of small pubs and izakayas since they don’t have much to do in the countryside. Even if it is Broad daylight.

  4. Oh boy. So glad this ojisan didn’t hit his head on the fall backwards. That could have been a trip to the crossbar hotel for you.

    Glad things worked out.

  5. Such a tricky situation as he knows your store and could cause a lot of unforeseeable issues in future.

  6. What an annoying little old shit fuck.

    Glad you and your wife are okay and well done for reacting well to it!

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