What happens in Japanese cults?

I’m being approached by different cults on my commute for a while now. We don’t have cults in my home country (or at least as openly as Japan) so I don’t know anything about them. I don’t engage with them so I want to ask here if anybody has experience being in one in Japan or have any info on what happens when you join one? For the record, I’m not religious and do not plan on joining any cult lol. I just don’t want to talk to anybody from these cults so I’d rather ask here!

  1. Mostly they just suck you dry of as much money as possible while feeding you their flavor of bullsh#t. Same as every religion, just ramped up.

    Occasionally things get out of hand and they gas a subway car, killing 14 people and injuring ~1000.

  2. The same thing that happens when you join any cult, isolation, manipulation indoctrination, financial coercion etc. Worshipping some random idiot as godlike. I know, I was raised in one. It’s all bullshit in the end.

  3. Depends on a cult, there is not a lot in common between them what could let drawing conclusions.

    By far not every cult requires members to recruit people on the street, but those who do are usually cults which suck money from the members constantly requiring new souls.

    Either way just ignore, no cults bring you to their lairs without your consent in one or another way.

  4. I’ve been involved in a number of cults both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.

  5. i monetize the cults (happy science)when they try and solicit me, easy to get them to take an english lesson lol

  6. Sometimes on the weekend, there’s a crazy amount of them trying to talk to everyone at Omiya station. They’re all holding a newspaper with mount Fuji on it. They’ve approached me many times but the cult vibe keeps me away so I have no idea what they really are?

    I’ve also seen a lot of Jehovah’s witnesses hanging about random stations. At least they aren’t knocking on my door, I guess.

  7. Go to “church”, chant a lot or do other bonding rituals, pay tithe, go to brainwashing retreats, have children and indoctrinate them, vote LDP or Komeito.

  8. What happens? Not much except you get your money stolen. Although if you rise up the ranks you might be able to steal other obaasan’s money

  9. やや日刊カルト新聞 is a good and often entertaining source. They have covered a lot of cults, certainly all the major ones, over the years.

  10. One thing that is really dangerous is the cult people are very nice people individually. If you talk to them, they make sense, rational polite people, and you might feel bad for rejecting them. But know that they are a part of the system bibbger than them that are malicious and greedy. Just say no. To their face. You don’t have to be rude, but don’t give them an inch. They are systematically tought to make you feel guilty on anything that they can gain advantage of.

  11. Actually a lot of cults are pretty fun if you are lonely. Suddenly you get a lot of love and attention from new friends and you are busy study, worship and recruitment.

  12. Same as anywhere else. They are all bottom feeders. Especially those who buy into any part of it. Starts with the most obvious and open cult. Jehovahs Wittness’. Freaks the lot of them.

  13. hi, actually i did experience someone knocking on our door who speaks the same language as i do but they’re japanese, and asking us if ever we wanted to attend their church or something. and me being young, I thought it has something to do with my mom’s church but she wasn’t there. so I told them to just go back in another day and I’m gonna ask my mom about it. so i asked my mom and she told me she had no idea about it and when those people came back, my mom turned down their invitation. So i guess don’t interact with them?

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