got 6 years of teaching experience and some MA units, any tips to make my application stronger?

Hi everyone~ planning to apply for the 2024 JET program as an ALT. Any tips on making my application stronger and getting in the program? For context, I’m a Filipina and have been teaching in elementary for 6 years and I have a few units of Education MA. Thank you!

  1. Most of the PH JETs I know worked as teachers in the Phillipines, so you’re in good company there. I would say anything related to international/intercultural exchange would be a plus. None of the PH ALTs I know could speak any Japanese, so if you study even a little or show some interest in learning it could give you a leg up, and more importantly, it’ll make your life in Japan much easier

  2. My resume was pretty similar to yours and I was shortlisted. Honestly, once those qualifications are out of the way, you should just focus on making yourself appear low-risk and low-maintenance. Someone who won’t be a flight risk, someone who won’t embarass the JET program or community, someone who will make the average Japanese onlooker think: “Okay, JET is bringing over some good people.”

    It’s good to come across as comfortable with yourself, comfortable in adversity, knowledge of Japan and Japanese society, and someone who will be able to adapt to a pretty tough environment on the fly if needed.

    And, of course, remember that JET is opaque and no one person has all the answers to a perfect application. I have a friend who is extremely qualified who got rejected. It can seem random at times. Just shoot your shot and hope for the best!

  3. With a resume, you want to emphasize your biggest assets while using less is more approach.

    I’m assuming you mean you are still working on your MA, so under degrees you can add the year you started and “present” or estimated graduation date. I would emphasize the important skills you have gathered while teaching; data informed teaching, classroom management, differentiation, and so on. However, those with JET specific experience will be able to help you more. I can only give you basic resume tips.

  4. Are you applying from the Philippines? Apparently it’s quite competitive because they have fewer positions.

    I would focus on what makes you a great candidate outside of teaching experience. Some might see you going from being a fully qualified teacher to an ALT as a step down.

    * Talk about why you want to go from being a teacher to an ALT
    * Why are you interested in Japan?
    * Previous experience living abroad. If this will be the first time you live abroad, why have you decided to do so?
    * What could you contribute to your school and community?
    * What do you know and love about your home country that you want to share in Japan?
    * Share stories from your classrooms about how you’ve helped your class or specific interactions with students. Maybe there’s a good story you can tell about how you helped a child achieve a big goal.


    Your interview is the big decider. More than your application the interview is the only real hurdle you may face. Make sure you are well presented (clothes, hair and mannerisms), talk with enthusiasm about Japan and the programme, be open with your answers and be honest. Don’t be afraid to be confident about your achievements. You have already done more than will be required from you in the JET programme so just remember “YOU GOT THIS!”

  5. One big tip, with your credentials, show them as much humility as possible along with your passion for working with students and learning their culture in both the Statement of Purpose and the interview.

    They aren’t looking for teachers, they’re looking for people who can adjust and work well with others.

    Good luck! 🙂

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