About changing the handles of bicycle and safe driving violation

Tokyo resident here. I received a electric assist mamachari, but I want to change the handlebars, as currently they are bent inwards in a typical style like this:


I want to change them out to more straight handlebars. I asked at the bike shop about this, but then they mentioned that it would be a 安全運転義務違反 (safe driving violation).

Are there any other options I have, or am I stuck with the handlebars I have? I’m a taller guy, so with how the handlebars are currently positioned, it puts a little strain on my forearms.

  1. DIY or find a better bike shop.

    None’s going to check your bike as long you’ve got handlebars that look like handlebars.

    If DIY, check the diameter of the tube where it’s clamped by the steering column post, and that’s the only measurement that you need. Since you’re a tall person, you’re looking to effectively raise the handlebars, which means you’ll need longer brake and gear shift cables, and possibly longer cable that goes to the electric control thingy. That last bit is probably main PITA.

  2. There’s no regulation on changing your bicycle handlebars. Period. Have at it.

    Y’s Road has a pretty good selection.

  3. You can definitely change the handlebars, but mamacharis are not really made to have parts swapped out like other bikes – even changing the tires can be a massive struggle due to the way they bolt everything on.

    If you can find handlebars that fit the stem, there should be no problem swapping them. It’s just a matter of unscrewing stuff and transferring your levers and other stuff.

  4. Bike shop made an excuse to decline your request. Changing handlebars on mamachari is kinda rare and unusual request, so it will require some parts sourcing, time and using some braincells. So they have made up some BS, because they can’t be bothered. I partially understand them. Try to DIY and you will quickly find out why.

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