Looking for the best options in terms of Vocational School

Essentially what I mean is a school (any field), that has a very high hire rate after graduation, or one that categorized as “high demand.” (which I would assume to be things such as medical or computer/software engineers???? Not sure, which is why I’m asking.)

Does anyone know any bits of information on this? Currently N3 level, although studying every single day to get the N2 (but I also do have the at least 6 months of Language School requirement).

I understand that a university may better suit me with the flexibility of the degree and visa process, but I’m hesitant about the commitment of 4 years of study vs the 2 years of Vocational School study. Not only that, but also I want more specialized/focused study into a subject, such as a vocational school.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Looking for the best options in terms of Vocational School**

    Essentially what I mean is a school (any field), that has a very high hire rate after graduation, or one that categorized as “highly needed” (which I would assume to be things such as medical or computer/software engineers???? Not sure, which is why I’m asking.) Does anyone know any bits of information on this? Currently N3 level, although studying every single day to get the N2 (but I also do have the at least 6 months of Language School requirement).


    I understand that a university may better suit me with the flexibility of the degree and visa process, but I’m hesitant about the commitment of 4 years of study vs the 2 years of Vocational School study. Not only that, but also I want more specialized/focused study into a subject, such as a vocational school.

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  2. I think you’ve got your priorities a little off base here. You should be studying something that you find engaging and that you’ve got a bit of talent for. If you pick a major based purely on the job market, and it turns out to be something you hate, you’re just going to be miserable. Especially if you’ve spent a ton of money to travel to the other side of the planet to do it.

    So figure out your desired career first and then figure out the best education you can get to enable that career. I’d also say don’t worry so much about the ‘in Japan’ part yet either. The absolute worst thing you can do is sabotage your future by trying to speedrun ‘in Japan’.

  3. > I’m hesitant about the commitment of 4 years of study vs the 2 years of Vocational School study

    Your hesitation to commit to a 4 year degree is extremely shortsighted. Your degree will pay dividends FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, regardless of where you decide to live.

  4. Nursing/Caretaking will always be in high demand in Japan, with the ageing population. But the pay is pretty poor for the workload, and even RNs 看護師 don’t get a lot of autonomy (compared to places like the US). The upside is that you’ll always get a job so if you don’t like a place it seems very easy to move on.

    One of the biggest issues you need to be aware of is if you can get a visa at the end. Not all schools will give you a 専門士 at the end, and not all subjects are accepted by Immigration to provide a work visa (however this may be changing soon). For example, if you study Child Care or beauty services like Hairdressing, you cannot get a work visa after graduation.

  5. If you are an American citizen and are a vet, as long as you don’t have a dishonanrbale discharge, you cab work for a military installation.

    Literally paying $19 hour to stack boxes and stock shelves at the BX where I’m stationed.

    Plus they will provide you a SOFA visa.

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