Could I keep PR indefinitely by making a return trip once every 4-5 years?

I just got PR after a year through the HSFP route. I’m going back to the US soon, but I do want the option to return to Japan anytime in the future, especially if I get a fully remote job in the US that allows work from abroad.

I know a reentry permit is valid for 5 years for PR. Could I come back to Japan 4 years from now as a PR, reestablish residence for a few months, and get a fresh PR reentry permit for 5 years?

And on a side note, couldn’t people who want to move back to their home countries but also have the option to always return to Japan do this indefinitely?

  1. Techinically you are only able to obtain a re-entry permit when you have the intention to return.

    Functionally, as you lay out, it is fairly simple to continually renew re-entry permits and maintain your status. (Though worth noting that your card is only valid 7 years, so you would need to explain to immigration why you need to renew it early and/or come back more frequently.)

    This could, of course, change in the future. But as it stands now it is certainly possible.

  2. You’re required to intend to return and live your life in Japan. I’ve heard anecdotes that they start asking tough questions after 10 years.

  3. From what I understand is you need a mailing address, job, etc. to maintain a PR visa. But I wonder the same thing myself.

  4. Everybody says this is technically possible but may not be permitted.

    I really wish there were some examples of people actually attempting this and sharing how it went.

  5. I know somebody who extended the reentry permit abroad. But it depends on the worker in the embassy, if he knows about this possibility, if he is in a good mood and willing to hanko it.

  6. Since this is r/japanlife, I’ll begin by noting that I am currently physically present in Japan and have had PR for two decades.

    But more relevant to this discussion, my JP spouse and I have been living abroad since 2009. I have returned every few years and each time purchase a new reentry stamp, no questions asked. My Zairyu card has been renewed twice, once in person by myself, once in person by my spouse (with a letter from me explaining why I was unable to appear in person). So far, my status hasn’t been questioned by any authority.

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