Would it sound weird If I would use keigo as a customer?

For example:

Employee: 店内でお召し上がりですか?(would you like to eat inside?)

Me: 店内でいただきます(instead of 店内で食べます)

Me: カフェラッテお願いしまっす。

Employee: ホットかアイスです?

Me: ホット頂戴(instead of ホットにします)

  1. 店内でいただきます is a little bit weird to me but it’s okay. For example, when in a department store, it may be natural. 店内で or 店内でお願いします is normal.
    ホット頂戴 is not regarded as keigo and it’s like a madam says so. ホット頂戴いたします is more formal and correct. ホットお願いします is natural.

  2. As someone who used to work in (Japanese) retail I never really cared about the way customers spoke to me. I was just focused in getting their service quick and right. So I say you do whatever you feel more comfortable with.

  3. If you’re looking for a replacement for する I would go with いたす. This seems a little bit strange but I guess nobody would take offense. To be honest if you’re obviously foreign people aren’t that likely to take offense even if you’re accidentally rude.

    Saying 頂戴 like that could actually sound a bit imperious I think. Not what you’re going for.

  4. Seeing discussions like this on Reddit it always seems like the Japanese must be the most easily offended people on the planet

  5. Remember practical Japanese is all about your relation to who you are talking to. But to be safe -massu & -dessu form usually suffices in general circumstances.

  6. No one will really care, but it is weird yes. It’s also unnatural and if you use a lot of unnatural Japanese or stumble over your words they might think you don’t understand, and switch to English or get a million Nihongo jouzu desune

    A few pointers: これちょうだい  and in that vein, やってご覧 食べてご覧 など are not Keigo. They are often used when talking to young children. I wouldn’t use them if you want to be taken seriously as an adult. Not to be confused with 頂戴いたします and ご覧になってください ご覧になりますか? など

    お願いします Is not Keigo, it’s regular Japanese (丁寧語)

    It’s not an issue to speak politely, even to shop workers. That’s just teineigo though, you don’t need to put so much effort into it lol. Just use the masu forms and avoid absurdly familiar language like 俺 てめえ あたし あんた 止めろ やってくれ 

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