Introducing a Young Child to Dogs

Any programs in Toyko to introduce a child (3 1/2) to dogs for the first time? We are visiting home in December and my folks have a huge, friendly golden. Too friendly and energetic.

  1. Pet shop. Parks- ask nicely if your kid can play with them a bit. Better to start with small friendly ones

  2. You can try a petting zoo and check if they have dogs.

    Pet store is another option.

    I found some dog cafés, but the lower age limit seems to be at least 5 years old.

  3. My suggestion is the same as u/CherryCakeEggNogGlee’s. Take walks with the child a little before dusk, when most or very many people walk their dogs. Many will be happy to let you and your child offer a hand to the dog. If you stick to the same neighborhood, you’ll see the same dogs.

  4. This is fairly straightforward, the child doesn’t need much training.

    When our Obaachan’s doggy was still alive, we did this:

    1. Place specially imported Schmacko into child’s hand.
    1. Point child at doggy.
    1. Dog and child are now friends 🙂

    On a more sober note, I would never leave a young child alone with a dog. No matter how trustworthy one might think the child is.

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