Need recs for trauma therapist in Tokyo

Does anyone have recommendations for an English-speaking therapist for trauma/PTSD in Tokyo? I need someone who is able to address trauma related to childhood abuse and a past toxic work environment.
Preferably not too expensive (something that would be affordable on the JET salary), and I would be more comfortable with a female therapist.
Also, someone who does NOT use CBT as their primary treatment modality because I have not found it to be helpful in the past.

  1. I have cPTSD from childhood abuse and I’ve had good experiences with TIP Tokyo. (I don’t have menty b’s but I have frequent nightmares, sleep issues, I get triggered when I read about child abuse stories sometimes, and my husband says I’m very alert all the time.. the fight or flight mode is affecting my health now in my 30’s) The lady I had the session with spoke fluent English, had her degree from abroad and we conducted the session in Japanese & English.

    However right now I’m doing online therapy with another therapist from my home country because TIP has been pretty busy & overbooked nowadays. And my current therapist offered a good deal.

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