English Speaking Therapist

Hi, everyone. I moved to Japan as a student less than 6 months ago. I’m not sure if it’s the adjustment period to living in a foreign country (I’ve always had depression) but these past few months I’ve become apathetic to everything. I can’t bring myself to get off the couch most days, even for things I enjoy.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knows any way to get therapy in English without it costing an arm and a leg. I have health insurance if that could help at all? I was thinking of doing something like Betterhelp but I’ve heard some not so good reviews. With how unmotivated I am to do anything at all, doing my own research has been quite difficult.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I’m really struggling. Thanks in advance.

  1. Not really a therapist suggestion, but something that has worked for me free of charge.

    I recently found Ali Abdal’s podacasts on spotify where he usually hosts a bunch of experts to talk about how to best navigate life in terms of finances, relationships, careers, productivity and so on. I highly recommend listening in on the ones that talk about productivity, I found them to be quite helpful in terms of having a deeper understanding as to what actually drives people’s motivation and thought process at different stages in life.

    Not really therapy, and it might not benefit you at all but I’ve found listening to be very helpful. Never hurts to give it a try, if you find it helpful would love to hear back on your experience

  2. Wow, that’s crazy. I definitely couldn’t afford that. I’ll try to look online and see what I can find.

    I don’t really have anyone besides my boyfriend, and he’s good at comforting me but I really need help in getting back to living life like normal and I just don’t think that’s a responsibility he can or should take on 🙁

  3. Here’s a tip that I’m gonna get downvoted on.

    BetterHelp was great at helping me find a great therapist, but other than a month long subscription period, there’s nothing stopping you from making arrangements with a therapist you find. Get cozy with your therapist, leave BetterHelp, and they’ll likely reduce the amount you pay anyways because BetterHelp is paying them shit.

  4. Hi, I actually know an Australian psychologist (fully qualified/registered) who is currently living in Japan but working privately with mainly overseas clients via telehealth. If you’re open to video sessions you could send an enquiry to his email (wlipsychology@gmail.com) cos I think he’s taking new clients atm.

  5. I’ve read other posts that recommended mejiro Sola clinic which have an English speaking psychiatrist that can prescribe meds which you may need. Other talk therapists I’ve seen out there are https://www.ntokyocounseling.com/, tiptokyo.com, tokyocounseling.com, and en.skycounselingtokyo.com.

    Just a heads up national insurance does not cover talk therapy unfortunately so be prepared. It does cover psychiatric visits and meds.

  6. I’ve been using Better Health for awhile. It’s weekly online sessions lasting about 45mins. pretty good with how you can switch therapists at no cost and customer service is generous in meeting your financial situation

  7. My Tokyo-based friend works with https://telljp.com, maybe they can help you?

    I’m really sorry to hear that things have been tough these past few months. It’s great that you have a supportive partner, and the fact that you are looking for resources is a really good step towards feeling better. Hang in there, you can do it!

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