Bumble in Tokyo, anything to be cautious about?

Hi! I‘ll start using bumble in Tokyo and as I heard quite a lot that you have to be cautious of hostess girls is there anything you have to be cautious about on bumble? 😅

  1. More Filipino’s than Sunday afternoon in Victoria Park (Hong Kong)
    Grow a pair, go to the Hub and speak to girls your attracted to.

  2. Its been a mixed experience for me so far, from matching up with girls who

    – want to keep chatting for a decade before meeting up

    – some who were actually down to meet in person over meal or something

    – being ghosted after replying to their 1st message and so on.

    My japanese is around N2 so all communications have not been in english, so I’m yet to run into ones looking for free lessons lol.

    Recently though I matched and met up with one girl who def falls into the “gaijin hunter” category. Up until now and prob to the end of time, she vows to only want relationships with foreign people, she says her hobby is listening to foreigners speak japanese (lol), and she is straight up obsessed with my physical appearance (probably the 1st black dude she’s ever gotten to interact with.

    Normally I wouldn’t mind gaijin hunters if at the end of the day we end up having a healthy relationship, but this particular one is kinda on the extreme end of things (a story for a another day)

  3. Try and get a feel for what people really look like at their age. A number of women heading towards middle age will knock 5-10 years off on their profile. I was stung by a few of them.

    Don’t get your hopes up. The apps can be fun, but you want to be getting out and talking to real people.

    Also, be aware that women of proper working age will probably be quite busy, and you want to not get very invested very quickly, because often it’s quite a gradual thing.

  4. Nah, been on there for a couple months and it’s been a pretty good time to be honest. Was stood up for a date once and also met some girls that just wouldn’t engage in a conversation no matter how hard you try, but besides from that it was just a lot of girls who are into foreigners and speak English a lot better than the Japanese average. I also didn’t get the vibe that they wanted free English lessons either. As soon as I showed them I can speak Japanese fairly fluently, the conversations switched to Japanese entirely most of the time.
    Only thing to be careful about, as with all dating in Japan, is Japanese girls wanting to do it without protection. Even if they tell you they’re on the pill (which might be a lie), sexual diseases are spreading like crazy between young people these days.
    Oh, and don’t get too invested in a match until you actually meet up in person or become more closer. Suddenly getting ghosted or getting unmatched without reason is very common unfortunately, but that’s just the nature of online dating I suppose.

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