How to obtain rapid acting insulin in Japan?

I am currently in Osaka, Japan and miscalculated my insulin pens. I only have about 20 units left and a week left in Japan. I have researched about purchasing insulin and it seems that you need a Dr’s prescription. Is that true? Anyone know about how much insulin cost? I currently use Humalog Kiwi Pen. Thank you.

  1. I’m not sure where you’re from, but call your country’s embassy and they can help you get what you need.

  2. Try to find a English speaking clinic to write you a prescription to take to a pharmacy. If you can’t find one I guess bring any pens you have left and show them using google translate. You might have to pay in full price but I couldn’t find info on that part.

  3. Best to see a doctor in Japan and get it prescribed. You may ask around regarding the price, but most clinics should stock it. Alternatively, you can ask the hotel staff where you are staying at, as it differs from place to place. I personally think cost is not the issue here when it comes to staying healthy and stress-free during your travels. Hope you will get it sorted out! Stay hydrated.

  4. Did the same in July when I visited. Find a clinic and walk in. Many are located in business areas and international guests are common. Call ahead, most speak English especially if it is business clinic. You can walk in, see a doctor, get a prescription, walk to a pharmacy (many are located adjacent or nearby) and have it filled. Between the doctor visit and prescription, it cost me about $129us, and the whole process was about an hour. Not bad considering I had two prescriptions filled.

  5. If a family member in the states can fill a scrip for you or grab extra you have at home, you can have it overnighted to you.

  6. Are you staying at a hotel?
    Ask the front desk. When I was having a medical issue on my last trip I was pleasantly surprised to see my hotel had a list of english speaking clinics nearby and gave me their contact info as well as mark them on a map for me. If your hotel caters to international guests they will hopefully be able to help you like mine did.

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