Classmates keep saying my job fired me illegally?

I got a part time job recently and the first day i fainted, they told me i could still work and showed me a specific place i could go if i get dizzzy and told me to just tell them when i do and go sit there when dizzy. I was fine for about 3 weeks then was feeling dizzy so i told the supervisor and went to sit in that spot, i kept saying i was okay and just had to sit for a second because my blood pressure was low. They decided that i needed to go to the locker room for some reason, which wasnt exactly close and was multiple flights of stairs away, they practically dragged me up there keeping me up right, i could feel the blood draining from my head and kept saying i needed to sit and to let me sit for a second before passing out again. They made a little bed in the locker room and forced me to lay down and anytime i tried to sit up they told me not to and to stay there and sleep, i never slept but just sat there waiting for someone to come in and tell me if i could return to work or if they wanted me to go home.
They sent me home for the day 4 hours later and i called asking if i could come in tomorrow. They said they have to discus it but told me to come in tomorrow anyway. I came in and they basically had me get my things and remove my name tags and i wasnt given a reason other than my trainer saying “they said you slept in here, sore wa dame”. i was just like, okay, and apologized to everyone and went home. When i told my peers they said that sounds illegal, I was curious what you guys think?

  1. this post is really missing two things:

    1. paragraph breaks
    2. description of what the actual job was

    In Japanese law, they can basically fire people within the first two weeks with practically no reason. It’s called a 試用期間 ([]( )

    At the same time, if you fainted because of something work-related that would give them a responsibility to fix that.

    If this is really worth figuring out, talk to a lawyer. It’s not that expensive to do so in Japan.

  2. You should get a medical evaluation for your fainting/dizziness/low blood pressure problem. Blood pressure that low is a health and safety risk.

  3. Since it’s a part time job, I wouldn’t mind it personally? I mean the place where i work has very kind* co-workers and owner. I’m putting asteriks because I’m not sure if it’s fake kindness or genuine one but as far as my experience with them go, i made a fuck ton of mistakes and errors both in front of customers with or without my boss present and all of them were regarded as nothing by everyone and in general it’s a very friendly place. So naturally I wouldn’t want to lose my opportunity to work there.

    Reading your paragraph, I didn’t get any of these vibes from you so why not just search for another part time job? They’re dime a dozen. Also looking at your paragraph it sounds like they were trying to make you sleep there without your own will and use that as an excuse to fire you “which tbh I didn’t know they need a reason to fire you in a part time job.” Which should be illegal and maybe you can get some out of it but that topic needs ti be discussed with a lawyer. And since there were no witnesses “whom will support you.” I doubt anything would come out of it

  4. Thoughts…

    1. Only a lawyer with experience in employment can advise you on the ‘legality’ of these circumstances. However, what would you hope to achieve by initiating (potentially costly) litigation against a bento shop that gave you a few shifts? Sometimes it’s easier to just move on from such things.

    2. Not an attack but it sounds like there’s more to this than what we know (i.e. you may not be medical fit for the work). We dunno your medical history and as somebody with high blood pressure (that is managed using meds & monitoring), I think you should get on top of this independent of whatever else is going on. See a doctor, get a proper diagnosis and find a way forward.

  5. It doesn’t sound worth fighting really. Someone probably just gossiped to the owner and they weren’t having it. It would be better to move on and find a better job

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