14 Day Itinerary Check

Hi everyone! i starting to close things for my third trip to japan. But i got several days without plans. Hope you can help!

Nov 14 TOKYO (first day)

17:20 I arrive in Japan

17:20 19:00 I leave immigration, I grab the pocket wifi, I exchange USD for yen

19:00 20:30 I arrive at Tokyo station

21:20 take a night bus to Kyoto

Nov 15 KYOTO

07:30 I arrive in Kyoto

08:00 I see where the hell can I left the suitcase

08:30 11:30 inari taisha

12:00 13:00 food

13:00 15:00 kiyomizu dera

15:00 17:00 check in at hotel and shower

18:00 we continue fooling around


06:30 wake up!

7:30 9:00 trip to himeji

9:00 11:00 himeji castle

11:00 12:00 kokoen park

12:00 13:00 eat

13:00 15:00 mount shosha or team labs

15:00 18:00 I don’t know

18:00 19:30 return to kyoto

Nov 17 OSAKA

04:00 wake up!

4:52AM – 8:45AM trip to koyasan okunoin

9:00 13:00 koyasan okunoin

13:00 14:00 food

14:55PM – 17:30PM go to osaka dotonbori

17:30 22:00 dotonbori and eat

22:00 23:30 return to Kyoto

Nov 18 KYOTO

08:00 wake up!

10:00 check out of the hotel in Kyoto and leave the suitcase at the storage

10:00 ariyama and walk arround

22:00 night bus to Tokyo


07:00 I arrive in Tokyo and buy the Hakone free pass

09:00 travel to hakone

10:30 visit everything i can

15:00 check in hotel


05:00 wake up early to visit Hakone Jinja-shrine and do everythin else

Nov 21 TOKYO

10:00 check out of the Hakone hotel

11:00 return to Tokyo and have fun in Akihabara

15:00 check in hotel Tokyo


Nikko (this is open to suggestions. I don’t know what can i do in the area)


kamakura durning the day (this is open to suggestions. I don’t know what can i do in the area)

yokohama at night (this is open to suggestions. I don’t know what can i do in the area)


kawagoe (this is open to suggestions. I don’t know what can i do in the area)


No Idea what to do this day.


No Idea what to do this day.


No Idea what to do this day.

28 TOKIO (last day)

09:00 check out from the hotel. I have time to fool arround until 17:00 PM


  1. You have a lot of “I don’t know” on your itinerary. I suggest browsing around on google maps, googling “things to see in ___”, and watching some videos in each area. Especially in Tokyo, there are so many things to do, it’s best that you figure out what interests you specifically than only relying on a few random people’s suggestions, especially when you don’t give any suggestion of your interests and preferences.

  2. A half-day in Koyasan, considering how long it takes to get there, is likely not enough. You’d race through the cemetery and that would be it (which is fine if that’s the only thing you want to see). I’d recommend considering spending at least a full day (ie: go to Dotonbori another day), and ideally stay overnight.

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