Stop stuffing my mailbox!

99% of the mail I get in my mailbox are junks. Real estate, home decoration, … all junks of various kinds. Neighbor of mine said those no Junk mail stickers don’t work. How can I stop these junk mails?

  1. No chirashi sticker reduces junk by 90% in my experience.

    In the place I’m currently living, after I put it on my mail box, other 3 houses followed.

  2. Put a sticker on my mailbox. I still get the occasional spam flyer, but it stops most people.

    Best to actually **try**.

  3. I have the sticker which reduced my spam a lot, yet “Shibuya” still decides to give me a newspaper every week or so (might be every 2 weeks), is there a way to stop them? Am I subscribed to their newspaper somehow? (prev neighbor?) It’s not about the delivery, it’s about the size, they shove the whole newspaper in there and it takes a good chunk of my mailbox, if there are 2-3 then it basically becomes totally stuffed.

  4. Ask building management perhaps?

    My place has a trashbin for mail junk right next to the mailboxes, so fortunately tossing the junk away for everyone is simple.

  5. I don’t have a mail box outside so they have to come into our lobby area. I took away the door bell and put a security camera so it alerts me if someone comes. If it’s junk I just go out and tell them not interested.

  6. > Neighbor of mine said those no Junk mail stickers don’t work.

    They are not 100% effective but they will reduce the amount you receive.

  7. I’ve experimented using different types of no-junk-mail stickers in several different areas and I found that large hand-written ones actually on the flap of the mail slot are the best at reducing junk mail. It looks ugly, but the times I changed to nice-looking stickers, I got more junk mail.

    The more exclamation marks, the thicker the writing, and the more it makes you look a little crazy is better.

  8. At my previous building it was just handwritten letters from some local real estate agency begging someone to please sell their apartment to their client while detailing each family member and their gender and age.

  9. Had this same issue in america, surprised to hear people complain about it honestly

    I appreciate the real estate stuff tho, hoping someone brings a good deal for a house

  10. Use hand written notice, that you don’t want these junk mail, works best . Try using both 丁寧 and 命令 messages. I do newspaper delivery for part time and I have seen houses which have these messages on their postboxes are usually junk free.

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