What are some OTC Eczema cream that I can get in Japan?

Hello guys, since I came to Japan, I’ve been eczema free for almost a year now. Recently my hand eczema popped up again and it’s been itching a lot. I use hand moisturizers like Yuskin and take antihistamine pills for the itch, but they don’t work. Can anyone recommend me a topical eczema cream (steroidal and non-steroidal) that I can buy over the counter?

  1. I had some similar flare-ups this summer and picked up a tube of メディエードクリーム at the Matsu Kiyo drug store. Cleared it up in about two days. I hope that helps for ya

  2. I use atrix hand cream for it, but mine is a mild case so your mileage may vary. Make sure it’s the one with ceramide E in it. They have similar packaging on similar products, and the one I use the ceramide is written on the back and in katakana

  3. I know a dude that sells some “stuff” in an alley in Kabukicho.

    If you want to buy, you need to text the dude (has to be an encrypted text) what time you will be there and he’ll meet you up and sell you whatever you need.

    But if there are police around, then the deal will not go down. Especially if the scouts spot undercover cops in the area that will bust you and the dealer too resulting in your instant deportation and his imprisonment (if he’s Japanese.)

    Not worth the risk in my opinion.

    Or alternatively you could go to a doctor and have him or her examine the flare up and get a prescription for eczema cream and pay like 2,000 yen for the whole examination as well as the medicine that you can receive at your local pharmacy which is most likely across the street from the doctors office.

    The choice is up you to you.

    Stay safe out there

    These streets are rough.

  4. Check at drug stores for anything with ヒドロコルチゾン (hydrocortisone), but go to a GP for anything stronger.

  5. when my eczema is REALLY bad, I use a weak steroid cream I got from a dermatologist here in Japan, cover with a bandaid for a day or so, and it settles down nicely. when it’s a mild flare-up, I use O’Keeffe’s Working Hands hand cream, which I have been using since I was in the US (I now buy it from iHerb).

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