No updates

Hello, I have gotten my placement about a month ago but have not received any updates such as what school I’ll be teaching at, where I will be staying or predecessors.

Is this lack of information normal or am I the only one.

  1. I’d check with your consulate, my notification email got lost in the ether and then the notification to the school also got mixed up. I know my school knows me now, but they have yet to send me a direct email.

  2. I work at a BOE. We have the documents ready but havent sent them because we are busy with other stuff. Probably send them this week.

  3. Honestly, I was in your shoes last year. My CO didn’t see the need to inform me about ANYTHING prior to arrival. They asked me for the katakana of my name and they ghosted me.

    After they missed a deadline by CLAIR I reached out to my consulate and they were pushed to contact me again.

    However, I didn’t know any more details until I arrived. Housing? Well I found out when I went to the housing office as soon as I arrived. I didn’t know my school until a few days before I started work.

    It’s ESID for how transparent with information your CO will be. It’s incredibly frustrating, but isn’t too uncommon.

  4. Everyone is different, are you municipal? I was and I didn’t know where I was going until 2 weeks before departure, and didn’t hear from my predecessor until after my arrival. 😅

  5. I know many that still have not heard from their COs including myself. I was told that at the latest some don’t hear until July right before leaving.. also my consulate said to just wait. I’m a prefecture incoming ALT so from what I’ve been told usually it takes longer to hear from someone. Hope you get news soon though! Waiting is definitely tough because it’s hard to plan.

  6. Every BOE/CO is different in how they handle things.

    Last year, everyone heard from their BOE at different times. Some barely heard anything and knew of no details until they actually got to their placements.

    My BOE is pretty on top of things, IME, but even I don’t know who will be replacing me this year. I asked my supervisor and he also has heard nothing. Meanwhile, some people in my prefecture already know. It just seems to depend on many factors.

  7. I only received word from my BOE around the end of June last year. If you still haven’t heard from the BOE or your pred try contacting your consulate/embassy

  8. Same! Are you a prefecture JET by any chance? (Did your placement end in -ken?)
    I have received a welcome email and my contract etc. from my Prefecture Board of Education, but they’ve said I will receive school and living arrangements later.
    I’ve done a lot of research into this, and it does apparently take longer for a prefecture JET to be placed. Some don’t even get information until just before they leave!

    If you’re not one of those, then it may be best to email. JET have stated though not to email them until 23rd June if you haven’t heard anything from your placement. Edit: this is from a UK JET so it might be different for other consulates.

    Here’s hoping we hear more soon!

  9. Normal, some didn’t even know while going through pre departure orientations a week or 2 before leaving for japan. You’ll find out sooner or later, just focus on what you have control over in the moment

  10. ESID, the BOE of our town still hasn’t contacted the new ALT and since they haven’t done that the leaving/current ALT aren’t allowed to contacted them either.

  11. Back in 2019, I got a general email by the prefectural BOE on May 28th, my city and base school placement details on June 18th and finally, an email by my supervisor on June 27th.

  12. This is normal, don’t worry; I think wait 2-3 more weeks before you start really worrying!

  13. You are not the only one, I haven’t received any communication from my BOE its kind frustrating because most people from my group have been contacted. At this point, it is just a waiting game.

  14. I have received nothing either but not surprised, I’ll know when they get round to telling me

  15. It’s normal. They told me my address and the schools when I arrived in the city.

  16. Yeah, I’m going to Tokyo and the BOE sent an email telling me that they would have my placement information by “early July”

    Just for some perspective.

  17. Same here, this seems to be a Prefectural Jet thing. I got placed in Niigata and have not heard anything else aside from my Prefecture

  18. I understand your desire for more information, but in all likelihood your placement is preparing to send it to you soon. In other words, hold tight it’s coming.

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