Help reset my Yahoo account ?

I liive as a student in Japan. I made a Yahoo account since I want to buy a guitar here as a hobby while I study.

I forgot the password and now I cant get a new one. The procedure to get a new password is to fill out the hiragana in this form (I cannot post pic on this subred, but can send DM if you wish to see it) however, I am not able to do this myself as I dont know Japanese well enough yet.

So I asked local friends and they also cannot get it to work even when they are typing in correct Japanese.

There apparently is no way to contact Yahoo and I cannot make a new account since I used my phone number for the first one I made.

Any help would be great ! Thank you

1 comment
  1. the hiragana form is dumb as shit, iirc you are only supposed to enter the off-colored letters, and not entire string, read the text and make sure you’re entering correct stuff. ask your friends to read the instructions too and follow them.

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