PR question (letter of recommendation)

I will be applying for my PR in the coming months. i tick all the boxes but would like to make my application as strong as possible.

I have received my certificate of employment, but i was recommended getting a letter of recommendation from my company.

I spoke with my boss about this, and he is more than happy to write it from me, but i was wondering if this needs to be on an official form, or it can be written in word. Also, would it need my bosses seal or the company seal?

Google is saying that a letter of recommendation is a strong supporting document to have, but doesn’t specify if there is an official form that needs to be used.

So I am assuming it doesn’t really matter….?

Not sure if it matters but its a Japanese company, Japanese boss, if that makes any differences.

  1. if your application is already strong, meaning you are ticking all boxes, I feel it doesn’t make much difference. it is anyway better and you probably need just a blank paper and make sure the name and position of your support. you should already have a guarantor anyway

  2. I got my boss to write my letter of recommendation and he typed it up and added the company’s hanko on it. I don’t think it’s a huge thing but every little bit helps.

  3. I don’t remember having to do one of those, but I went from spouse instead of a work SOR; I forget.

    Anyway, it won’t do any harm to include one. If the immigration official wants to follow up, he can just contact your company.

    In my own case, I included a copy of the certificate from the police station chief. Immigration didn’t complain; I have no idea whether it made any difference.

  4. My impression is that the application it is just a ticking the boxes exercise, so I don’t think it would matter. Maybe if it’s a borderline case, who knows.

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