Automated immigration check at airport

Hi, I was thinking of registering for the automated immigration check at the airport.

According to the government website, you can do that for special re-entry permits (minashi sainyukoku kyoka), but note 3 below appears to say you have to register each time in the case of special re-entry.


Am I reading this correctly?

This link below mentions a “user registration card” but doesn’t explain what it is or how I could get one:

“Please note that if you do not have a user registration card for special re-entry, you
will have to register yourself as a new user.”

  1. I use this.

    Basically, you need to pre-register before you can use the automated gates. I believe the “user registration card” they are referring to is a sticker with a QR code (Automated Gate User for Special Re-Entry) that will be affixed to your passport after you complete the registration; based on [this image]( (bottom half of step 1) on the page you linked to, where it shows ‘”Automated Gate User” card will be scanned’, the image is what I have in my passport.

    Registration is a one time thing, per passport and per residence card. (ie: you need to re-register each time you get a new passport or residence card).

    If I’m picking up my residence card at immigration, I bring my passport along and do it there; but sometimes, I forget to do so and would do it at the airport instead. It usually takes about 20-30 minutes to complete, but one time it did take them 45 minutes to get done. I would recommend getting to the airport an additional hour earlier if you wish to register prior to flying out.

  2. You’re reading it correctly but those are the old rules and no longer apply. As long as you have a valid passport and no pertinent personal info has changed, your one-time registration to use the automated gates is valid whether your re-entry is the regular or special kind.

    Don’t worry about the user registration card. Those are issued for travellers covered under TTP which I’m assuming you’re not if you live in Japan.

  3. Had this previously but expired and haven’t got around to getting a new one.
    Can be a quicker exit when leaving the country since there is no need to line up with everyone, but very little difference when returning as there are the resident lines and an officer needs to finish the process (and the both is not always manned).

  4. I did it last month. Took five minutes to fill out online. Printed out the card, walked out ! No interaction with customs at all! Brilliant!

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