Basic question for PR application (what type of HSP application)

Hello, I am finding the wording of the website a bit difficult to understand, could someone help me please?

I think I will likely fall into the 70 – 80 points category but am having difficulty understanding the difference between 2.1 and 2.2.

I have been living in japan for more than 3 years under an engineering / humanities visa.

Thank you very much


(2) Those who have 70 points or more when calculating points at the time of application for permanent resident permit (above)(excluding cases falling under (1) above)


ア 70点以上のポイントを有している「高度人材外国人」として「高度専門職」又は「特定活動」の在留資格の許可を受けて在留している方

(a) Those who are staying with the permission of “highly skilled professional” or “designated activities” status as a “highly skilled foreign worker” with 70 points or more.

イ 永住許可申請の3年前の時点でポイント計算を行った場合に、70点以上を有している方で、ア以外の在留資格の許可を受けて在留している方

(b) Those who have 70 points or more when the point calculation is made 3 years prior to the application for permanent residence permit, and are staying with the permission of a status of residence other than a.

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