PSA: LINE app finally has an option to open links in default browser

I was digging through LINE settings due to boredom and looked inside the LINE Labs stuff. To my absolute amazement, there was a new option to open links in a normal browser instead of LINE’s own version of what it thinks a browser should be.

So everyone should go to settings, scroll down to line labs, and enable this immediately. hopefully everyone understands the security and privacy implications of line opening every link that you follow in its own browser and not the system one, so this is a very welcome “addition”.

edit: this is in settings on ios, in case that matters.

  1. This clearly hasn’t rolled out to everyone because I don’t have it yet. Looking forward to getting it though!

  2. Pretty sure it’s been there for a while because I haven’t checked the settings for donkeys years, and I already had the option checked.

  3. In Android you can turn off the “Open supported links ” as default, so it opens in your default browser. It’s not in LINE settings, but it Apps/Line/Set as default, settings for your device.

  4. Fucking hated how Line made you go in house and never would have looked in line Labs.
    Thanks for the knowledge my man 🙂

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