Leaving Japan soon after making residence card

Hello, I tried to find this answer online and wasn’t able to find anything.

I just had my COE approved for a work visa, and am planning on moving to Tokyo at the end of October.
Since the COE took longer than we’d initially anticipated (just over 3 months), my husband (Japanese citizen) made plans to attend a wedding in early October, and I was wondering if there were any issues with me going along with him and getting my residence card in early October, looking for an apartment, etc., then coming back to close things down in the states, get my cats, and officially move to Japan at the end of the month.

If anyone has done something similar, or would advise against it for any reason, I would appreciate your input.

Thank you!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Leaving Japan soon after making residence card**

    Hello, I tried to find this answer online and wasn’t able to find anything.

    I just had my COE approved for a work visa, and am planning on moving to Tokyo at the end of October.
    Since the COE took longer than we’d initially anticipated (just over 3 months), my husband (Japanese citizen) made plans to attend a wedding in early October, and I was wondering if there were any issues with me going along with him and getting my residence card in early October, looking for an apartment, etc., then coming back to close things down in the states, get my cats, and officially move to Japan at the end of the month.

    If anyone has done something similar, or would advise against it for any reason, I would appreciate your input.

    Thank you!

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  2. You’ll be fine. It’s not like you’re planning on coming for a weekend and then leaving for a year.

  3. At the beginning of covid, I had everything set up in my passport but the borders were starting to close so I hurriedly flew to Japan and flew back to the US literally 24 hours after arriving. No issues.

  4. We did exactly this last year! We arrived in Japan on June 12th and then had 90 days to register our address at the ward office. We looked for an apartment for a week, went back to Singapore to get our cats sorted, start the move etc

    We signed a lease from abroad, and then arrived in late august to register our address at the ward office with no issues. They say you need to register within 14 days of moving into your home but you have 90 days to find that home (in my experience with Shibuya ward).

    Best of luck with the move to Tokyo – avoiding a summer move here is a great idea too.

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