Is it legal to take valued things thrown in my resenetial building’s garbage room?

It’s in pretty good condition too

  1. No, it’s theft. Are you likely to be caught and get in trouble? Well, I’ll leave that assessment up to you.

  2. If it’s truly considered unwanted garbage, and the next stop for the item is the land fill (or incinerator) then I say take it. Give the item an extended lease on life and save it from the landfill.
    In most places the garbage room is fair game.

  3. If they have a sticker on them, that means the recycling crew will show up in a day or two to pick it up. If you take it, they’ll have wasted a trip and might call management to find out who took it. So the stickered stuff, leave it alone.

    If it doesn’t have a sticker, I don’t see why not. Though someone could conceivably just be making room in their place for whatever reason and put it in the gomi “staging area” for a time but plan to take it back. Unlikely, but possible.

  4. Yes. Check your city’s site. In ours, getting caught doing so means paying a 200k fine, at least

  5. When I first moved into my own place here, I half-furnished my apartment treasure hunting on “hard rubbish” days. 😂 Unless it rained the day of or night before… 😞

    Slightly old models of various appliances mostly, but perfectly working. Kitchen appliances like a large countertop oven/microwave, a toaster, a kettle, a rice cooker and a set of tefal nesting pots/pans! Small furniture like plastic drawers, coffee table, a lamp, a couple of colour-box prefab shelves, and a small bookcase. Also, a high end brand surround stereo including amp, speakers, woofers and all the cables!! Loved that thing, it moved with me to other places for years!

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