Tokyo’s Shibuya mayor says ‘Don’t come’ for Halloween

Tokyo’s Shibuya mayor says ‘Don’t come’ for Halloween

  1. Yah. I’d say they need to figure out how better to manage crowds versus just hoping people don’t come.

  2. >Ken Hasebe said it would “not be surprising” if an accident like the one that happened in Seoul last year also occurred in Shibuya, referring to a fatal overcrowding incident in the neighboring country.

    Given that the Seoul overcrowding incident happened because of a failure of the government to deploy adequate crowd management support, this sounds like Hasebe is openly declaring his intention to allow harmful, even fatal mismanagement of crowds on his watch just because he doesn’t like the event they’re coming for.

    I personally don’t care for the Shibuya Halloween event, but imagine being the mayor of an iconic district with a major cultural tradition coalescing in your jurisdiction, one that could be remarkably profitable if you put in the slightest bit of effort to manage it, and instead whining that everyone should just go away.

  3. I don‘t plan to, still love this part though „Many people, including visitors from abroad, are expected to converge in the district…“

    Always the foreigner’s fault, even though the people fighting and destroying the van were all Japanese. I‘ll spend my money somewhere I‘m welcome, thanks.

  4. The Japanese and English sentences have different nuances.

    Not a place for vs no events for, but really they’re just lazy. Other cities would kill to become “the” place for Halloween.

    People will come anyway, just like how they asked ppl to stay home during covid.

  5. The police have been able to handle much bigger crowds in Asakusa for the Sumida fireworks and other events. Why can’t they figure out something for Shibuya? Like another poster suggested, direct the river of people up to Yoyogi Event Plaza.

  6. Meanwhile every second shop in Shibuya (and yes, the rest of Tokyo) is decked out in Halloween shyte, massive retail stores like Donki are selling Halloween costumes, and everything pretty much gives off an air of “Let’s! Celebrating Halloween!”. If Shibuya really wanted to put their money where their mouth is – discouraging people from celebrating the event in their jurisdiction, they’d also discourage stores from promoting Halloween every two steps.

    Or, you know, do the actually intelligent thing and embrace Halloween, set up an event space up on Yoyogi park promenade and get something positive out of it.

    Interesting that big Japan-centric festivals (matsuri, tanabata, hanami etc) get a ton of support, but the big ol’ scary Halloween from abroad doesn’t.

  7. Mayor of Shibuya doesn’t really have any ability to stop people, thought. It’s literally a free country….

  8. My first Halloween in Japan was 2014. They told us then not to go but we still did and so did thousands of others. They’ve said the same for years and it’s the same every time.

  9. I was in Shibuya a few days ago and there’s Halloween stuff at so many stores. The citizens are clearly gearing up to celebrate Halloween, they’re government should take adequate steps to prepare.

  10. I went to the last Shibuya Halloween before they made it a no-alcohol zone it was intense. It was I believe 2017. There was a bunch of me and my buddies, big guys, much bigger than your standard Japanese person and we got separated from each other by the force of the crowd carrying us along and apart. We were like “see u later dude” and each got swept along a different way… the Japanese kids had overturned some cars and things like that. It was pretty wild. The costumes were amazing!! Lots of sexy skeleton, sexy unicorn, sexy everything… Saw one guy with what appeared to be a pet Meerkat. Everyone was completely hammered. Vomiting outside the 7-11. Really really drunk people everywhere. Japanese people can get super drunk at these kinds of things…but not aggressive… not at least that I saw anyway. Saw a drunk dude get fly kicked in Osaka but that place is a bit different…Anyway, not surprised they want to stop it, was a good party but probably not worth it for safety. Too bad I guess. It’s a good memory for me, in hindsight it was probably a bit scary.

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