Concerns About Renewing US Visa in Japan – Hope for your advice

I hope you’re all doing well. I find myself in a bit of a dilemma regarding the renewal of my US visa here in Japan, and I’m hoping to get some advice and insights from those who have been through a similar situation.

Background: I’m a foreigner from Southeast Asia currently residing in Japan. I had a 10-year B1/B2 visa that expired last March. Initially, I got my US visa because my Japanese company sent me to the US about 10 years ago for business purposes.

My Concern: Now that my visa has expired, I don’t have any immediate business-related trips planned to the US. However, I’ve heard that the rate of visa approval in Japan is relatively high compared to some other countries, which got me thinking about the possibility of renewing my visa even if I don’t have any business to go to the US at the moment.


1. Is it possible to renew a US visa in Japan if I don’t have any immediate business-related plans to visit the US?
2. Has anyone been in a similar situation, and if so, what was your experience like?
3. Are there any tips or advice you can share regarding the visa renewal process in Japan?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

  1. I’m pretty sure if you let your visa expire you have to reapply from scratch. But I’m not entirely sure, and unless you have an actual reason I don’t think the US will give out visas to people not planning on even being in the country.

  2. Just make sure you [don’t lie on the application](…

    >### Consequences of lying about immigration matters
    >- You will become inadmissible by reason of having committed immigration fraud. This means that you will not be granted a Non-immigrant Visa or an Immigrant Visa. You will not be able to adjust your states nor to obtain a change of Visa. You will not be able to obtain immigration benefits such as deferred action or even asylum.
    >- If you are in the U.S.A., a removal proceeding will be initiated once the government learns that there are issues with how you entered the country. In the most serious cases, a legal proceeding can be initiated as well, there is the possibility that you will be sent to jail and then deported after having served your sentence.
    >- Likewise, all officers of the American government who work on immigration matters (Consular officers, port of entry officers, USCIS, CBP, immigration court judges, etc.) will always infer a lack of credibility in you.
    >- Finally, any immigration benefits that you have obtained by lying can be revoked. This can be the case of many benefits, such as the Tourist Visa, the Green Card or the Citizenship.

  3. 1. B1/B2 Visa is for tourism and business, so if you have plans to travel or visit family, those are also valid reasons besides business.
    2. Not me personally, but an acquaintance who has siblings in the US has gotten a B1/B2 visa by stating their intent to visit family in the US.
    3. Make sure your documents are in order, and don’t lie, I guess.

    Side note, if you have no plans to go to the US, why do you want to apply for a visa? It’s expensive ($185 last time I checked), and as you said, without an immediate need for one, you run the risk of being denied.

  4. You’re talking about applying for a new visa , not a renewal.
    Don’t apply if you don’t intend to travel. Visa usually requires a shit tons of documents to prove that you will not overstay your trip : round trip flight ticket, hotel reservation, insurance that covers your trip, and a certificate of employment and money in your bank account. Don’t just apply for a visa if you don’t have a reason to go, not worth the effort.

  5. I’m from SEA as well. Had to renew my US tourist visa to visit my husband’s family in the States for Christmas. It was easy and quick, took a couple of weeks if I remember correctly. But my visa wasn’t expired. So, not entirely sure, but I think you might need to reapply from scratch.

  6. You should be asking US Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS), not a reddit group. They’re the ones who will know what you can and can’t do.

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