Japanese advertisers drop J-Pop agency Johnny & Associates over sex abuse scandal

Japanese advertisers drop J-Pop agency Johnny & Associates over sex abuse scandal


  1. There’s love without sex and there’s sex without love… Then there’s You, without either.

  2. The flip side of the establishment allowing this to happen as long as it did is that once the line has been crossed and the stink is on the organization, it’s likely to be fatal.

    I kind of wonder why they held the press conference in the first place, since it gives an out to their client organizations to act like they were completely unaware of anything untoward happening until this last week. Maybe outright lying was no longer legally viable?

    I’m still stunned that they want to keep the name, but I guess if you spent decades covering for a guy who raped little boys for decades, you might not have a normal sense of shame. Maybe it won’t matter much if the agency just gets shuttered and memory-holed after the establishment deserts it. What a font of unnecessary misery.

  3. Hope the TV shows do the same with the Johnny Boys. I always wonder how many are silent or have blanked out past trauma.

    I saw an interview with Arashi’s Sakurai san recently, and although he said he didn’t know anything I felt he was choosing his words very carefully and seemed more concerned about cheering up the fans than getting justice for the abused.

  4. This is very welcomed news. Disregarding things like the media wide coverup, and whether this action will help the victims or not, this is great news and its good that something is actually being done and now the group is being held accountable.

  5. ##GOOD.

    I wouldn’t call it a “scandal”. The top talent agency in Japan was abusing young people for decades, almost like an open secret.

  6. Good. Some artists might suffer the effects, but maybe now is the perfect time for the Japanese public to start supporting the artists and not the labels they belong to, even if they leave.

    It’s shocking how many artists fall out of existence when they leave a big label. Like Ryo Nishikido, who was seemingly one of the most popular idols in the country a few years back. The face of Kanjani Eight, appearing in dramas, commercials, etc. He left Johnny’s to pursue his own music career and was never heard from again. The guy is still making music, but the broadcasters won’t touch him.

  7. I hope this ends the practice of inserting their “talent” into dramas where they have no business acting in. Most of them are terrible actors.

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